Kumfu Pandas

Click the link below to practice your Typing and Spelling.



WALT Understand the features of Narrative / Personal Writing.

Personal Narrative Writing

Click the link below to access:

Task: Follow the Instructions.

  • Read and Understand each Task.

  • Complete all Tasks.

  • Edit your work.

  • Share your work with Mrs G.

  • Blog your work (Don't forget to explain what it).


WALT Gather more Facts and Information about the 3 species: Whales, Dolphins and Sharks.

Task: Follow the instructions

  1. Watch each video and do the follow up tasks.

  2. Click the link on the (Information Report on Whales, Dolphins and Sharks).

  3. Read the FACTS about each species.

  4. Label each species's diagram correctly.

  5. Follow up Activity: Choose on whether Google Docs or Slides for your Report Presentation. In particular order, select any of these species (Whales, Dolphins or Sharks) to work on it for your Report.

  6. You will need...

  • A Title = Whales, Dolphins or Sharks

  • An Introduction = 2 sentences

  • 3 Body Paragraphs = 4 - 6 sentences on each paragraph

  • A Conclusion = 2 sentences

  1. Check your work for punctuations and capitalisation.

  2. Share it with Mrs. G

  3. Blog your work.

Task: Follow the instructions

  1. Watch each video and do the follow up tasks.

  2. Click the link on the (Information Report on Whales, Dolphins and Sharks).

  3. Read the FACTS about each species.

  4. Label each species's diagram correctly.

  5. Follow up Activity: Choose on whether Google Docs or Slides for your Report Presentation. In particular order, select any of these species (Whales, Dolphins or Sharks) to work on it for your Report.

  6. You will need...

  • A Title = Whales, Dolphins or Sharks

  • An Introduction = 2 sentences

  • 3 Body Paragraphs = 4 - 6 sentences on each paragraph

  • A Conclusion = 2 sentences

  1. Check your work for punctuations and capitalisation.

  2. Share it with Mrs. G

  3. Blog your work.

Videos of Whales, Dolphins and Sharks

Click the link below to access it...


WALT Explain a process of things in a logical order and more effectively.

Explanation Writing about How do Bees make Honey

Task: Follow the Instructions

  1. Make a copy of the presentation.

  2. Watch the videos.

  3. Complete all tasks.

  4. Check and edit your work.

  5. Share it with Mrs. Grady

  6. Blog your work by Friday.


WALT Follow the Structure of Recount Writing.

Task: Follow the Instructions

  1. Make a copy of the presentation.

  2. Complete all tasks.

  3. Check and edit your work.

  4. Share it with Mrs. Grady

  5. Blog your work by Friday.

Click the links below to access:

Writing: Recount

Click the link below:


WALT Include more details in to our sentences to make it sound interesting.

WALT Find out more about ourselves.

WALT Find out How much do we know about ourselves.
Writing and Languages


WALT Make connections.

WALT Investigate our talents and ambitions.

Click the link to watch Coronavirus comic for students

Task: Follow the Instructions

  1. Make a copy of the presentation

  2. Watch the videos

  3. Complete all tasks

  4. Check and edit your work

  5. Share it with Mrs. Grady

  6. Blog your work

Writing: WALT Make Connections


WAL About Simple Sentences and Conjunctions


WALT write an explanation

SC: I am learning to use paragraphs.

Story - The Nest

Mrs. Sharma found a nest in a bush when she went for coffee on Sunday afternoon with her friend. Her friend looked into the nest and found it empty. She pulled the nest out of the bush and gave it to me. I brought it to school to share it with my class. Look at the nest and investigate

Whose nest could it be? A bird? Which bird? Or could it be a nest of a pest? Support your thinking with evidence.

Talk to your buddy, share your story and then write a paragraph about it.

T1W5 and 6

WALT write an explanation

SC: I am learning to use paragraphs.

I can use topic specific words to explain my understanding of a topic

I can use three paragraphs to

  • explain how possums came to New Zealand.

  • Why and hoe did they become pests?

  • What can we now do to get rid of these pests?

Topic - Why are possums pests

Linked to reading - Read the text 'Possum Problem'. in groups brainstorm all the words and phrases that you have learnt during reading to tell your story about possums.

Watch the teacher model for use of different sentence structures. Does she use the word 'and' more than once in her sentences?

Write your first draft.

Follow the writing cycle on the board to complete your Writing.

Early Finishers

Write a recount about the Tamaki Family Fun day.

T1W3 and 4

WALT write a process

SC: I can use words and structures that describe a process in order.

Topic - Life cycle of a butterfly.

-Read the book 'Butterfly day at school". hard copies of the book are provided in the reading boxes.

Recall the various steps of the lifecycle of a butterfly.

Narrate the steps to a buddy.

Watch the teacher model for use of different sentence structures. Does she use the word 'and' more than once in her sentences?

Write your first draft.

Follow the writing cycle on the board to complete your Writing.

Task for Early finishers

Revisit the four walls of Hauora. They are displayed on the class wall. Make a list of things that you can do to look after each wall of Hauora.

Task 2

Find 5 words that end with each of the given suffixes. Write them in your book neatly.

-tion, -ity, -er, -ness, -ism, -ment, -ant, -ship, -age

T1W1and 2

WALT write a recount.

SC: I Understand the basic features of a recount.


Visit the features of recount writing. Use the powerpoint provided. Share what you remember with a buddy.

Teacher Modelling

Check it against a rubric.

Task: Students write their own recount.

Writing and Languages

Task: Follow the Instructions

  1. Make a copy of the presentation

  2. Watch the videos

  3. Complete all tasks

  4. Check and edit your work

  5. Share it with Mrs. Grady

  6. Blog your work