Written Student Plans

Written Education Plans

In order to report a student as served to the department of education, a student must have a Written Education Plan (WEP) in place. Written Education Plans are documents outlining services for identified students. The WEP describes the service(s) that a student receives, the staff member responsible for the service(s) and the goals to be met. WEPs are generally sent home within the first few months of school.

Evaluation of the student’s progress is an on-going process, and a variety of tools will be used to document the student’s performance.

Written Acceleration Plans

Written Acceleration Plans (WAPs) are documents that are mandatory when a student accelerates subjects or grade levels in order to have their learning needs met. The WAP outlines a transition plan and methods of determining success once the student is placed is an above-level class or grade. The WAP is only required for the first year of an acceleration. WAPs are generally sent home at the beginning of the school year.