🤷‍♂️ FAQs 🤷‍♀️

How do I see my current grade?

Your grade will be posted in Progressbook and updated regularly as you complete assignments. You can always email me with questions or concerns regarding your current grade.

Where do I find my assignments?

Assignments will be posted on our Google Classroom and will be listed on the week at a glance. You can find the week at a glance on Google Classroom and on the Website under your course's tab. I will update the week at a glance each week. Be sure to check Google Classroom EVERY SINGLE DAY!

How will I know when I need to attend a Zoom session?

I will post a schedule both on Google Classroom and on this Website on the week at a glance. See above to locate our classroom week at a glance. In general, we will meet 2 times per week via Zoom.

What should I do if I CANNOT attend a Zoom session or other synchronous learning activity?

Let me know BEFORE the session takes place. Remember, these sessions count toward your school attendance. Depending on your reason for missing, if it is arranged beforehand, it may count as an excused absence versus an unexcused absence. Working together beforehand is always best!

I see the learning schedule on the first page of this website. Am I only expected to do school work during these times?

NO! The times listed under the learning schedule are SYNCHRONOUS learning times. Just like in a college class, these are the times when you are expected to be present and available to meet in person. Time OUTSIDE of these synchronous learning times will be yours to work as you are available on your assignments. These are considered ASYNCHRONOUS times.

For example, if you are in my 2nd period class, we will meet via Zoom (or some other method) on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00-9:50 am. You will still have assignments to complete from me throughout the week that will have a due date and time. It is up to you to determine when is best for you to work on these assignments. You have flexibility as long as you are still able to meet the deadline.

What should I do if I can't get an assignment or lab to work on my computer/phone?

You should contact me at least 12 HOURS BEFORE THE DEADLINE for the assignment if you need help. It is always in your best interest to start assignments early to ensure that you can get them to work. I am always willing to help you with technical difficulties; however, emailing me ten minutes before an assignment is due will make it hard for us to problem solve together. Let me know as soon as issues arise.

How do teacher office hours work during distance learning?

On Wednesdays, there will be NO scheduled synchronous class times. From 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, I will be available for email, Zoom, or parent/guardian phone calls. Wednesday is a time for one on one instruction, if needed. If you need one on one outside of these hours, please schedule an appointment with me, and I will do my best to accommodate your schedule.

I need to talk with my counselor/principal. What is their contact information?

You can find the contact information for counselors and principals on the THS main online learning web page or on my contacts page on this website. You can also reach out to me and I can help to connect you with the appropriate person.