NC Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning in Raeligh




「北卡洛麗臺灣華語文學習中心」已於2022年二月於北卡洛麗中文學校正式開辦,以北卡洛麗中文學校成人班學生為基礎, 並招收其他有意學習中文的在地工作和商業人士,開設成人基礎會話班和商用中文會話班。由具有豐富華語文教學經驗的台美裔老師負責語文和文化教學,並使用僑委會提供的教材「來!學華語」配合「五百字學華語」,「一千字學華語」為教材。此新設立的社區華語文學習中心位於周邊交通便利,住商繁榮的北卡洛麗中文學校新校址。除了官方網站和社交媒體,我們將定期開辦試課講座,增加社會大眾對正統華語文學習的興趣和瞭解。

The “North Carolina Raleigh Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning” will be officially opened in February 2022 at North Carolina Raleigh Chinese Language School (NCRCLS). This new Mandarin-Learning Center will provide basic Mandarin classes and business conversation Mandarin classes for current NCRCLS adult students, as well as local residents, workers, and businessmen interested in learning Mandarin. Highly experienced Mandarin instructors will cover both Mandarin and culture classes using textbooks provided by the Overseas Community Affairs Commission of Taiwan (OCAC).

In addition to the official Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning website and social media, we will also offer free workshops and lessons in January 2022 for individuals interested in learning Mandarin and traditional/authentic characters.


自 2022 年二月開始將開設兩期課程,每期 3 個月。每班每周上課 3 小時 ( 2 小時語言課程和, 1 小時口說練習) 。基於美國目前疫情仍然未完全緩解, 加上成人班學生平時工作繁忙,有時無法實際到校上課,因此我們計畫採用週六 2 小時的同步和平日 1 小時非同步語言課程。老師在週六上午教授同步的語言課程和口語練習,不能參加同步課程的學生可在其他時間觀看課程錄影來完成課程學習。口語練習課程會在周六的早上於北卡洛麗中文學校實體上課, 提供學生實際口語練習的機會。

第一期課程將招收「成人基礎會話班」和「商用中文會話一」各一班,每班 8 人。第二期招收 3 班, 包括「成人基礎會話班」、「商用中文會話一級」及 「商用中文會話二級」各一班,每班 5-8 人。

Starting in February 2022, 2 three-month class sections will be offered, each consisting of 3 class hours each week (a 2-hour language lesson and a 1-hour oral practice). Oral practice lessons (held on Saturday mornings at NCRCLS) provide students an opportunity to practice Mandarin conversation with their peers. 

There will be 2 classes in the first semester, “Adult Basic Conversation” and “Business Mandarin Conversation Level 1”, each taking up to 8 students. In the second semester, we will have 3 classes: “Adult Basic Conversation”, “Business Mandarin Conversation Level 1”, and “Business Mandarin Conversation Level 2”. Each class will take 5-8 students. 

Since not all adult students are able to attend in-person classes due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we will incorporate both in-person synchronous classes and asynchronous lessons into our weekly program. Instructors will teach in-person synchronous language lessons and oral practices on Saturday mornings. These lessons will be recorded for students who cannot attend synchronous courses to watch individually.

近期活動 Upcoming Events

North Carolina Raleigh Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning

The Grand Unveiling Ceremony

The grand unveiling ceremony of Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning (TCML) in Raleigh was held on Saturday April 16th, 2022, inside the Taiwanese scene-decorated Fellow Hall of Greenwood Forest Baptist Church, also the campus of Raleigh Chinese Language School (RCLS). There were nearly sixty people attending the event including NC politicians, overseas Taiwanese Americans representatives, overseas community/association representatives, TCML students and teachers, and some RCLS parents. The TCML unveiling ceremony set another significant milestone for RCLS.

TCML is a certified Language and Culture program for people aged 18 years and older worldwide, sponsored by the Overseas Community Affairs Council, OCAC, of Taiwan. RCLS applied for TCML back in fall 2021and the program was approved and accepted by OCAC, Taiwan, in December 2021. TCML-Raleigh is the 28th US TCML, and the first TCML of North Carolina. The new course section started in February 2022. As one of the 35 TCMLs in the United States, Raleigh’s TCML strives to offer overseas learners a free and democratic Mandarin learning environment with Taiwanese characteristics.

The unveiling ceremony was hosted by RCLS principal Dr. Hann-Yi, Heidi, Chen. Dr. Chen first made a welcoming statement as well as an introduction for TCML-in Raleigh. She then expressed sincere gratitude toward all guests, RCLS staff and parents who helped with the ceremony preparation, OCAC honorary position members for their guidance, and Greenwood Forest Baptist Church for RCLS’s campus.


General-Director Elliot Wang of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Atlanta then gave a short speech stating the establishment of TCML was to respond to the increasing needs of Mandarin-learning of people worldwide, and to offer overseas learners a free and democratic Mandarin learning environment with Taiwanese characteristics. Elliot Wang then congratulated Raleigh TCML’s opening and wished the center great success and prosperity.  

Other government officials came to express their support and kind wishes including NC senator Wiley Nickel, Cary City councilman Jack Smith, former Cary City councilman and committee member of Cary Sister Cities Association Ken George. US senator Thom Tillis who could not be at the event expressed his warm greeting and acknowledgement though his letter of congratulations. All four NC politicians praised TCML in Raleigh and Taiwanese American community for the positive impact and contribution to the local community. RCLS parent Nathaniel Dick who is the Business Development Manager for the State of North Carolina shared his valuable experience of Mandarin learning in Taiwan, and why choosing TCMLs was the best choice for Mandarin and Chinese/Asia culture learning for foreigners.


After the ribbon cutting and TCML plaque unveiling ceremony, all guests enjoyed the small reception with authentic traditional homemade Taiwanese desserts, snacks, and drinks, as well as the music of Erhu played by the 8th grader Luis Liao.

Press Release
The Grand Unveiling Ceremony Video Link

台灣華語文學習中心介紹影片 - Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning Promo Videos

School Daily Activities

TCML The Grand Unveiling Ceremony
Adult Culture Class

 Nathaniel (狄暹甯) 's Mandarin learning experience in Taiwan

Nathaniel's Testimony in English 英文版_12_24_2021.mp4
Nathaniel's Testimony in Mandarin 中文版_12_24_2021.mp4



About us

Raleigh Chinese Language School (RCLS) was founded in September 1977 at the campus of North Carolina State University by a group of enthusiastic Chinese-language educators. In 1996 RCLS was registered as a non-profit organization specialized in teaching Mandarin and traditional Chinese characters.