致 灣區台灣社團
主旨 場地設施使用費/捐獻
台灣會館(TAC)成立至今已有七個年頭。2009年四月,我們從Fremont遷移至San Jose現址, 有著更寬敞、更舒適的場地設備來服務我們的鄉親朋友。同樣的,我們的經費支出也比往年高出兩倍之多。 許多社團及鄉親朋友問到,我們為什麼不舉辦募款活動,有些朋友也很擔心我們的經費從何而來, 是否能負擔這些支出。然而,經過這許多年,我們的經費大部分來自我們董事會董事們的贊助, 就短期而言尚可應付,但是就長期而言,對台灣會館的發展來說並不是個很健全的方式。我們必須更進一步, 讓台灣會館在經濟上能自給自足。我相信,而且堅決的相信,台灣會館除了各董事們的贊助之外,唯有靠鄉親大力的支持, 才能持續地為大家提供服務。
董事長, 北加州台灣會館
San Jose, California
June 8, 2010
To: Taiwanese Community
Re: Facility Usage Fee/Donation
Taiwanese American Center (TAC ) is now a little over seven years old. In April, 2009, we moved from Fremont to San Jose with a much bigger and modern facility to serve our community. As a result, the expenses have more than doubled.
Many community people have asked how come we do not have any fund- raising and some even wonder where all the money comes from. Well, over the year, funding has mainly been from the majority of our Board Members. This is OK for the short term, but not healthy going forward. We need to go to next level and make TAC self-sufficient. I believe, and strongly believe, that TAC can only justify its’ continued existence by the support of the majority of our community, not a few Board Members.
Initially, and effective July 1, 2010, there will be a new fee/donation applied to the usage of this facility. This will apply to all users without exception. This will make it fair to everyone concerned. Feel proud to donate, and help build TAC.
Thank you in advance and looking forward to serving you.