Online Tools and Privacy Information

Core and Optional Digital Tools and Student Privacy

Parent & Guardian Information 

Throughout their time in Tahoma, students and teachers use a number of digital tools and resources. We have carefully chosen and vetted these tools to ensure they meet our legal and privacy standards as well as provide authentic and engaging experiences for students.

In addition to our core instructional tools listed to the right, below you can see the list of tools students and teachers may be using as part of our educational program. Only a few of these tools will likely be used by any one student; however, most students, starting in 3rd grade, use Google Classroom (3-12) as their platform for learning.    

We appreciate our partnership with parents. If you have any questions about how a tool is being used in your child’s class, please contact your child’s teacher or building principal. If you have a question regarding an application listed, please contact our Teaching and Learning department.

Tahoma's Digital Tools
Digital Tools & Resources Privacy Information