Digital Life

Resources for Families

TSD Online Safety Hub - Blog, Advice, App Reviews

Common Sense Media - Media reviews, Tips, Articles

The Digital Wellness Lab - Articles, Family guidance for digital health

Connect Safely - Articles, Quick Guides, App Guides

NetSmartz - Videos, Tip Sheets (English and Spanish), E-Books

Be Internet Awesome (Google) - Family guide, Gamified learning

Google's Digital Wellbeing Family Guide

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is the ability to navigate our digital environments in a way that's safe and responsible and to actively and respectfully engage in these spaces.  

Although we live and interact in the digital world in a similar way to the offline world, we're not always as mindful of our actions online. We can sometimes act without realizing how it could affect our reputation, safety and growth as digital citizens. In the meantime, everything we do online continues to affect and define our digital world and selves.

Digital media also provide unique opportunities for everyone to get involved, to speak out and to make change both online and offline. Our actions in our online world can have a real impact and we all have a role to play as active digital citizens.

One of the best things that parents and guardians can do at home is to help their kids balance their media lives.  With so many devices that kids can easily access shows, games, and information it is easy to overdo it.  Families can keep media and tech use in check by following a few simple practices:

Common Sense Family Tips: K-5 Family Tips | 6-12 Family Tips

TSD uses Common Sense Education resources to teach safe, responsible, and respectful use of digital tools.