Math Fluency

Fluency does involve being fast and accurate, but we often forget that fluency also includes FLEXIBILITY with numbers and operations.

FLEXIBILITY is the most important aspect of developing true math fluency.
- Christina Tondevold


Subitizing is the ability to recognize the total number of objects without counting them. For example, when a dice is rolled a child who subitizes says "Five!" when they see the pattern instead of counting 1, 2, 3, 4,...5 for each dot. Math educators have discovered that the ability to see numbers in patterns is the foundation of strong number sense. There are many ways that you can practice subitizing with your child. Have you heard of Splat? Check it out!

Subitizing in Grades 3-5

Addition Table 10s
Addition Table 10s: Color Coded
Multiplication Table 10s
Color Coded Multiplication Table 10s