Glacier Park

We are so excited to be working with our Tahoma mathematicians! 

Here is what our program is all about:

We provide extra support for students who struggle with math. We want to build their confidence and provide additional practice on math skills that are being taught in the classroom. 

We have an expectation that your child is practicing math at home, too. If you need suggestions or activities to work on, please don't hesitate to contact us. We know that your support makes the difference!

We expect students to come on time and ready to learn. We expect students to try hard and to be respectful and kind. We provide a safe, fun atmosphere. Math requires perseverance! When we work hard, our brain grows and we reach our goals. Don't ever give up.

For more information about our MAP program at Glacier Park,  please contact Tiffaney Martin, Iyshwarya Gopalakrishnan, or Brittany DeRohan.

Tiffaney Martin at or 425-413-3462

Iyshwarya Gopalakrishnan at 

Brittany DeRohan at

Ms. gopalakrishnan

GPES MAP Teacher

Ms. Derohan

GPES MAP Teacher

Ms. Martin

K-5 MAP Coordinator