Coaching Overview

On-boarding: Setting Up Your Account

1. Create An Intro Video

Take some time to produce a short 1-2 minute video of yourself, what you offer, and what you can do.

2. Vision Designer Session

Create your notion page with your coach to outline your current projects, deadlines, and what's currently needed. This will be your ticket to handling your projects moving forward. Put down all information for your initiative as directed by your coach.

3. Create An Initial Offer

With your coach, you can create an offering to people who are looking to start a project. You may be a great integrator for someone who has a project they want to start, or maybe you can provide a service or skill that the project starter doesn't have.

Module 1: Creating Content

1. Constantly Get B-Roll

This is absolutely key. Your coach will help you stay on track and document your workflow. You MUST document using video, photos, and your notion document. Be sure to have someone on your team who can perform this work. It will be extremely useful in the future.

2. Store Testimonials

Once you've helped 5 new customers, use our review platform to get insight on how you did. Bonus points is to get video testimonials from your clients. Even if you cannot film them yourself, ask them to leave a video review for you.

3. Create Irresistible Offers

After your first few reviews, you should have a good idea for how your customers perceive your value. Use this to develop marketing material and craft your first offer.

4. Create A Referral Program

Your referral program starts with your first 5 clients. Ask them to refer you for either discounted services or for a gift card. People don't always like getting paid for referrals, so be sure to make it something fun that you know they would like.

Module 2: Deepen Your Purpose

5. Tell Your Story

If you've made it this far, you have a great story to tell. Have fun with this, tell your story - what you're doing, who you're helping, and how people can support you moving forward.

6. Recruit Your Team

Let your individual abilities shine. Start creating a culture of work that people want to join in on!

7. Simplify Concepts

Notice that some customers aren't getting it? What are some of the things they're confused about? Get clear on the concepts that hang people up and find ways to make it make more sense to the customer. Use visuals, analogies, demonstrations, and statistics if need be.

Module 3: Training And Education Resources

8. Train Your Team

Now you're in deep! But thanks to all the documentation, you have a lot of great material to train people to help you. Create a simple training course to catch them up to speed on what's working and not working in your business.

9. Video FAQ and Support

Who's handling customer service?! Creating a support channel is key to answering common questions that a growing business may not have all the time in the world for. Start storing up questions that are frequently asked.

Module 4: Grow Your Brand

10. Create Community

It's time to create community. A community will help as a support tool as well as be a way for your customers to share ideas, best practices, and geek out.

11. Build A Channel

It's time to connect to more traffic. You need a marketing channel. This can be on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter... or various other areas. Start producing content weekly and designate someone on the team to dedicate their full attention. We highly suggest creating a podcast to connect with influencers in your industry. Highlight client success in a bold new way. Share the deeper stories, find more meaning in your work, and let people in on the success.

12. Create An Ad

Once you have a good channel, create a teaser and an advertisement to direct people to your work.