That Doesn't Sound Like Me

A blend of vision, story, and brand

What's Your Voice?

It's likely you have a little bit of each.


Your Audience Is Your Friend

Are we ever going to have fun? As an entertainer, you help your audience to escape from the worries of life and help them live more in the moment and enjoy the life that's in front of them.


Your Audience Is The Hero

It's all about the journey, not the destination. As a storyteller, you invite your customer to join you on a quest to solve a shared problem.


Your Audience Is The Investor

Doing it right the first time means there is no next time. As an expert, you free your customers by telling them the truth. It's not a game or a play... it's life or death.

What is your message?

Your first step to creating visual content

Make New Friends

As an entertainer, there's no real rhyme or reason except to have fun! Look for people who match your excitement. You don't have to come up with the content, you will bring life out of all those you encounter and put yourself into highly entertaining situations.

Live Your Story

If you're a storyteller, consider putting down the pen and paper and just document your life. Start taking action. What's your goal? Start moving towards it and document the process. The story will naturally emerge and the audience will love you for it!

Show Results

If you're a visionary, you have a product or service that others need or want. Focus on rules that are favorable, rewards that are meaningful, and environments that are easiest to do your best work.

Ultimately, they need to know that your product will get them results.

We're dedicated to building local businesses and communities

  • For every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $68 will stay in the community. What happens when you spend that same $100 at a national chain? Only $43 stays in the community. -Civic Economics – Andersonville Study of Retail Economics.
  • Local businesses have generated 65% of the country’s net new jobs over the past 17 years — US Small Business Administration
  • The more interesting and unique you community, the more we will attract new neighbors, visitors and guests. This benefits everyone!
  • Creativity and entrepreneurship are what the American economy is founded upon. Nurturing local business en­sures a strong community.

Check Out The Podcast

The Best Authentic Self Podcast is all about helping people find their voice and learning what makes people unique no matter who and where they are.