Level 3 / 4 Spring Quarter

WELCOME to Spring Quarter April 12 - June 24,2021

Last Week of Classes

Week 11 - June 21 - 24

**Although spring quarter classes will end this week, the lessons will stay online until July 7th. You can continue to work on the lessons or review them, if you like. Summer Quarter classes will again be online and start on Monday, July 12th.

Every time you go onto this site, please fill out the form below. The first time, fill out all information. For all other times, just fill out your name and date.

HOMEWORK can be found on this page:

**Grammar Review - Future Tense Practice

NEW STUDENTS - Watch this:

Talk to me by:

1)*email - dbruckner@tacomacommunityhouse.org

2)*zoom (video) meetings (the first week of classes we can set up zoom (video) meetings for conversation practice, lessons, or questions/concerns/help.

**If you are a new student, I can orient you to the site and how it works.

Group Zooms (talk time/conversation) on Wednesday mornings **The first zoom will begin on Wed. April 21st. **Additional talk time zoom with teacher Kathleen on Mondays at 2 pm (begins Mon. April 26th)

3)*text message

If you are a NEW STUDENT this quarter, on your phone, text @9eefc48 to number 81010 ***PLEASE Text me this 1st week so I can easily contact you in the future!

**If you did this last quarter(fall), you don't need to do it again!!!!!

4)*You can also text or talk to me by calling this number:

(253) 778-6875