LTT 1 in Täby/Sweden and results

“Me and my carbon footprint” in Sweden Täby Enskilda;

students got to know each other and recorded their own carbon footprint online with the WWF-program collected the results in a chart. Then they discussed the differences among the students and in each country. They tried to find solutions for reducing their carbon footprint. Get going: On the LTT they learn about our need to reduce CO2 emissions, so that we live within the limits of our planet and discuss options of how to achieve this. On another day we visited the climate change exhibition in the Natural history museum of Stockholm.

The students worked on different tasks about various aspects of climate change. During LTT1 we also went on an ecological excursion by boat in the Stockholm archipelago finding out how far the climate change has already affected the marine ecosystem. In doing so they develop foreign language skills and became aware of their contribution to the climate change.

We introduced the students to eTwinning which they used for the documentation of the results during the whole trip.

In a workshop held by the organization “ungdomar”(=youth) which runs the national project “We_change” in cooperation with the UN the participants our student were introduced to a new app which supports a sustainable lifestyle. After that the students were informed about the UN Global goals for sustainable development and discussed in different international groups several aspects of the goals. The student tried to come up with some ideas for a CO2-saving competition between their schools.

Our muskot

Our Global Goals

As a result of LTT1 there were some changes in the schools. In Sweden the students involved have started an eco-friendly association. Their goal is to make all the students more aware of environmental issues i.e. the consequences of throwing away food. Another aim is to reduce the amount of food that is thrown away at school. In Germany the students have started the “return to earn” project inspired by the Swedish school. This project aims to engage all students to collect the bottles with refundable deposit. The money which is gained should be used to buy a water dispenser for the school to reduce the amount of plastic bottles. In Denmark the students introduced a trash can in their classroom for separating paper and plastic bottles. Turkey that couldn´t take part in LTT1 introduced some environmental friendly changes in their school as well. They painted green footprints on the floor and hang up some notes on the bulletin boards to raise awareness for an environmental friendly behaviour.

To evaluate their language improvement all the students self evaluated by using EuroPass.

Rounding it off: Students finish the documentation and promotion of their results and did the self-evaluation on their language skills as well as what they learned during the whole week.