Forestry for woodworkers

July 2024

Open to all woodworkers who would like to learn more about our passion for woodland management and home-grown timber. 

Forestry for woodworkers has been developed to share our joint passions for woodland management and home-grown timber. You will learn from our team of experienced foresters and woodworkers whilst walking through woodland close to the Sylva Wood Centre. 

Below is a detailed agenda for the day, we will build in plenty of time for questions and conversation.

Agenda for the day.


The day will begin with a welcome & introduction to Sylva Foundation over a tea/coffee in our Teaching Barn. 

We will set the scene to our environmental work across forestry and land by introducing;

We will explore the range of home-grown timbers that have been used in the past and could be available in the future.


We will walk in our Future Forest and discuss woodland creation and planning. We will discuss the benefits of planting including timber, leisure, wildlife, agroforestry. We will consider selection of species, improved seed, site preparation, planting & aftercare. 


Our walk will continue through the Future Forest and into Neptune Wood to discuss the theory and practice of coppicing and pruning. 




Walking in Paradise Wood we will discuss the importance and value of;


Our walk will end in the Wood School workshops providing an opportunity to interact with under-utilised home-grown timbers such as Alder, Beech, Birch, Cherry, Douglas-Fir, Robinia, Sweet Chestnut, Sycamore. 


We will return to the teaching barn to summarise the days learning and answer your questions.

Please come dressed for the weather with suitable outdoor clothes and footwear - the paths through the woodland are uneven can get muddy. You will need a moderate level of fitness, the walk will be circa one mile however we will spend a large part of the day on our feet.

Tea/coffee for breaks and a sandwich lunch will be provided. 

Cost:            £12015 places available

Age: 18+  (or 14+ with a participating adult) 

Venue:        Sylva Wood Centre, Oxfordshire, OX14 4QT



Thursday 4th July 9:30 AM through 4:30 PM


Sylva Wood Centre
Little Wittenham Rd
Long Wittenham
OX14 4QT


Phone: 01865 408018
