Year 8 English
Website created and edited by: Matthew Mummolo and Jayden Nunez
Message from the Classroom Teacher: Year 8 Newman English
Students completed a unit earlier in the year titled, 'Youth of the World."
The students explored issues affecting young people today via a range of text types and research. In particular, with a focus on persuasive texts such as speeches, feature articles and visual persuasive texts such as posters/advertising. Through their study students developed knowledge and understanding of how persuasive language is employed in texts to engage and persuade the responder.
For this project students collaborated to create a website showcasing different persuasive texts they had created themselves with a focus on the effects of social media on teenagers.
Each student chose an area of personal interest or skill to contribute to the website. This included writing and presenting a speech, writing and filming a short skit, researching and compiling an information sheet, photographing students at work, video editing as well as the creation of the website.
I was very impressed by the way they worked together to complete the project.
I hope you enjoy seeing the results of your son's efforts.
Ms Giveen
Year 8 Newman Teacher