All Hallows Student Dock

Quick links- School Links and Additional websites

Re online

Activities for students to do online

To Know Worship and Love Re Text Login required. Also an app on iPad device
PW student2020

Research a saint and how they have impacted on others. EG St Mary MacKillop, Feast of the Assumption


To access Google Classroom you need to download the google classroom app or access via computer on your Google drive. Click on the top Tab to click on the link to your child's classroom.

Additional Remote  Learning  Activities grid week 2

Quick links- Maths

What interesting facts do you know about numbers? How fast can you complete 60 maths questions.... in 60 seconds or less??? See if you can beat your score.

. Or open the Mathletics app on your iPad device The website doesn't work on your ipad.

Quick links- English

Sunshine OnlineUser name:  allhallows    Password:   fivedock 

Write a narrative using the link above. Share on your Google Classroom with your peers.

What was your favourite story and why? Write a book review and share with your peers on Google Classroom.

Or open the Sora App on your iPad device

What do you want to know?

What fascinates you? Research and then create a documentary on a person, place or object that you can teach others about.

World Book

World Book Quizzes

Worldbook Scavenger Hunts

ACEN Digital Library

Quick links- STEAM

Students can research their favourite invention and how it works. What problem do you need to solve and could you create an invention to solve the problem to help someone in our local community ?

Quick links- PDHPE

Do you need a bit of sunshine and exercise?  Try Miss Luongo's exercise activities! OR Make up your own and share on your Google Classroom

Quick links- COding and Typing

Variety of options for typing skills