CTE - Southwest PREPARATORY - NW Campus

Welcome Video Cisneros (1).mp4


Click the image below to see a guide on how to send a professional email. I would like for you to follow these guidelines whenever sending an email to me or any of your other teachers. As proof of you completing this assignment, send me an email with all of the listed criteria to me at erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

In the message, tell me one thing you have done today that was productive. Maybe something you did at home (chores, etc.) or an assignment you did for another class.


I have been thinking a lot about my students and what they must be going through. I thought this might be something parents may need to hear. Students might not understand why their parents are making them do work at home. In their short school careers, they've learned that when they are on a break at home, it is their 'free time'. They have never been made to do school work during summer break, winter break, or spring break. They probably don't understand why they have to do school work now, and are quite possibly upset and frustrated. And they will show it in their behavior, because a lot of them don't have the words to say it. They probably weren't even told by their parents why they haven't gone back to school, or why they now have to do school work at home.

So please be patient - with your child and with yourself. Give them lots of breaks; don't expect them to sit through 5-7 hours of academic work at home. There is no academic concern bigger than making sure your child feels safe, comforted, and content.

Click the image below to listen to the podcast recording of the Q&A conducted with Economic Sanctions Attorney Erich Ferrari.

Click the school logo below to view the Senior Exit Videos from last year.

Photoshop practice

Click the image to the left to be taken to a page that has a few different practice tutorials for Adobe Photoshop. We will practice using the clone tool and a few others.


Right click the image to the right and save image. Open it up in Photoshop and follow the directions.

Follow the video tutorial to add a cartoon effect to the image below. Download the image and use www.photopea.com to follow the steps.

Add color to Black & White photo

Follow the steps in the video or website below to colorize a Black & White Photo.

20 Steps to add color to a Black & White photo using Photoshop w/ pictures - Click here if video does not load.

Choose one of the images below to use for your assignment. Right click and save image as...

Making grass green

Click the image to the left then download and open in Adobe Photoshop. Wait for directions from instructor and follow along to manipulate the image to make the grass green, remove people and objects and add a blue sky.

February 7, 2020

Friday! We've made it to the end of the week!

Today you have two options - You can draw a picture representing one of the Major Entertainment Industry Companies (Walt Disney, Sony, Viacom, Time Warner, Vivendi Universal, News Corporation) Did I just give you the answer(s) to a question from Tuesday? Hmmm... You should really turn that in as well. Okay, and your second option for today is to write a 10% Summary from this article podcast. You can click the image below to be taken to the website article. In your own words, summarize the article and email it to erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org - Gracias, and have a wonderful Friday and weekend! Message me your work and assignments!

February 6, 2020

Happy Thursday! I hear it's snowing out there? Do y'all miss me yet? Take today to complete any of the previous assignments from this week. Email your work to erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

February 5, 2020

Good Morning! We've made it to Wednesday! Now let's get some work done.

Today, I'd like for you to use this website to answer the following questions. Email your answers in a google doc or directly in an email message to erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

1. What are the 6 things you should know for an Entertainment Industry Career?

2. Fill in the blank. The entertainment industry is a notoriously _________________ business to break into.

3. What percentage of Entertainment graduates say they have made valuable connections with a classmate or peer from their certificate program?

4. What school is the website from?

5. List 2 things you learned from reading the information on the website.

(You can click on the image below to be taken to the website that will help you answer the questions)

February 4, 2020

Yesterday we found out that the Entertainment Industry is made up of only a few major companies. In an email message, tell me what those companies are. (Can be found in the slides on iCEV Online). Also in the email, write a one page plot summary of a movie that you would like to pitch to one of the major companies. Think of a movie plot that you can see one of the major companies supporting and producing. Send all of the above to erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

Click the image below to help you get started and more info on how to write a Movie Plot.

February 3, 2020

Hello everyone. Today's assignments can be found at iCEVonline.com

We have a new lesson added - The Entertainment Industry.

Please Complete the 4 Activities and 4 Assessments.

Feel free to email me at erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org with any questions you may have. I will respond ASAP.

Public Domain & Copyright

Click the image to the left to be taken to website where you will answer 14 questions pertaining to Copyright and Public Domain. Each question has a link on the internet to help you find the answer, if you don't already know it. Copy questions and answer them on your own Google Doc, share it with me when done at erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

True or False Quiz

copyright true or false

Click the Google Doc to the left to open. Make a copy of it and answer with at least one complete sentence explaining why it is True or False. Share or Email it with me when you are done.

Copyright Explained For Students

Click the image to the right and read the article. Write a 10% summary in a Google Doc. Share the summary with me when done at erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

Equipment wish list

You have been given a $5,000 budget to purchase new audio visual equipment. Use the website www.bhphotovideo.com to select the equipment that you'd like to see in this class.

Think of the projects you'd like to be able to do. What equipment you'd you need to make it happen? Create a Google Doc to make your list. Include the name, model #, cost and reason why we should purchase it. Include the total of all items as well.


50 Picture self portrait

Use pictures to answer the 50 questions from the google doc to the left. Click on the top right of the google doc to enlarge and answer the questions with pictures of your choice creating a collage. Follow the steps to complete the collage in Adobe Photoshop.

Color Schemes - Use the document below, open in photoshop and color in each image using the given colors and schemes. email to me when finished - erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org


Green Screen Effects

Click the image to the left to check out some cool green screen effects from various Movies and TV Shows. Did it look real to you? You might be surprised. We have a green screen in class. Create some ideas in Google Doc and share it with me at erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

5/2/19 - 10% Summary

Click the image and read the article. Open up your google drive, create a new document and summarize the article you just read.

STEP 1: In your own words, briefly list the two (2) to four (4) central ideas in the order they appear in the article. Then write a complete sentence describing each central idea. Remember, central ideas should not include your personal opinions about the article or the topic.

STEP 2: Create a topic sentence with S “T” A r t

Also, answer the 20 questions and post your results in your Google Doc.

10% Summary Sheet - Use this to help you get started with your summary.

Use your journal to stay organized - and list each central idea.

When you're done, email me your final draft of your 10% summary.

My email address is erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

Login to your icev account

Login into your iCEV online account - www.icevonline.com and complete the Keyboarding Basics Vocabulary and Assessment.

Alt Escape Room #1
Escape Room #2
Escape Room #3

Kids Fest - Video and Photos. Use the following images and video to create a 2 minute video showcasing the event.

Creative Artistic Flyers/Posters

Click the image to the left to be taken to a tutorial to create artistic flyers and posters.

Click the video below and follow the tutorial on how to convert a Low Resolution graphic and photo into a high resolution photo. This will allow you to use smaller images and increase the size with little to no pixelation. Find any low resolution image from google to use as your example.

Adobe Premiere Tutorials

Click the image to the left to be taken to tutorials for Adobe Premiere from UC Berkely. Begin the first tutorial entitled "Creating a New Project."

5 editing basics in premiere

Click on the image to the left to follow the tutorial from Adobe. It shows 5 editing basics in Premiere Pro.

Click on the top right corner of the box below and open the google drive folder. Download all the images and open them in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018. We will create a stop motion video using the images below.

Download the image here then follow along with instructor to Retouch and Enhance face.

Learning Objective: SWBAT manipulate images as evidenced by arranging/matching a puzzle using Web 2.0 Tools.


This is what the puzzle should look like when finished.



Use these pieces to add to puzzle background.

Puzzle Background

Open in photoshop, then add the pieces to complete puzzle.

Cornell Notes Template

Cornell Notes Template

Yesterday we recreated the Cornell Notes Template, due to internet connection issues you may have not been able to upload to your own Google Drive. To the left, you can open and make a copy to your Google Drive. This is the format we will be using when taking notes in class.

Tuesday February 12, 2019 - Open up a blank Google Doc to take notes on the Slide Presentation on Radio Broadcasting. You can follow along on iCEV as well.

Thursday February 14, 2019 -

Friday February 8, 2019 - Howdy! Well it is Rodeo time isn't it? Has anyone gone or planning to go to the rodeo? Ok. Nevermind, let's stay focused. I hope we've all learned something this week and with that said, I'd like for you to open Google Docs right now and write a one page summary of what you learned this week. Focus on this class, but you can include anything that occurred during this week. Think of and answer these questions to help you with your summary:

1. What went well during the lessons this week? or this week in general.

2. What problems did you experience? Why?

3. What could you have done differently?

4. What did you learn from this experience that will help you in the future?

Also, please continue working on anything else from this week, but finish the one page written summary from today first. Share it with me at erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org - I look forward to seeing y'all on Monday. Have a great weekend, Be safe and have fun.

Objective: Students will self reflect on the weeks lessons and write a one page summary with 3 to 4 direct examples from the week.

Assessments 1-3

Click the PDF to the right to open the 3 Assessments. Answer the questions in a blank Google Doc or your own paper.

Assessments Radio.pdf

Thursday February 7, 2019 - Hello all. Thank you to everyone that has emailed me and I apologize if you haven't been able to access the assessments on the iCEV website. I have posted the assessments above, click on the top right and answer the questions. You can still use the slides on the iCEV website to help you answer the questions. If we learned anything this week, it's that technology doesn't always work the way you want, but I thank you for your persistence and patience. Also, don't forget to copy the objective below onto your weekly agenda page. Peace.

Objective: To distinguish between the different types of radio networks and programs.

Daily Objectives

Make sure to be copying the objective daily on the weekly planner sheet. It looks like the image to the left.

Wednesday February 6, 2019 - We've made it to the middle of the week. I hope all has been good. You should be finishing up the assessments and activities today, or close to it. You have until Friday, so don't worry if you're not, but don't procrastinate. I will stop by tomorrow to drop off some printouts for those that have been having trouble accessing the assignments online, but keep trying. Again, don't forget to copy the objective for today and the rest of the week on your weekly planner sheet. Have a great Wednesday and I'll see y'all soon.

Objective: To evaluate the regulations and agencies which monitor broadcasting channels.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 - Hello all. Yesterday you may have not had access to the iCEV lesson, but today it should be up and running. Again, email me if you have any questions. Click on the image below (Fundamentals of Radio Broadcasting to enter the lesson and complete the 3 assessments and 3 activities. You may not finish it all today, but that's okay, continue on it tomorrow. Remember to copy the objective daily on the weekly planner sheet.

Objective: To understand the history and impact of radio broadcasting.

Monday, February 4, 2019 - I hope you had a great weekend. As you know, I will be at a conference all week and I will be leaving instructions on what to do here on our website. Last week we covered Television Broadcasting, this week we will discuss Radio Broadcasting. We will focus on Advertising and Producing our own Radio Show. Below you will see instructions on where to begin. If you have any questions, email me at erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

Objective: To demonstrate knowledge of broadcasting through script writing and production.

radio broadcasting

Click the image to the left to begin lesson. You will have access to the Slide Presentation that will help you answer all the questions and assessments. Make sure to complete all 3 assessments and 3 activities.

Television Broadcasting

Click the image to the left to view the lesson.

getting started with adobe premiere

Click the image to the left for a tutorial to Start your video editing project. Open up the Adobe Premiere application and follow the steps. This is a great starting tutorial and even if you already know how to start a project, reviewing these steps can be very useful.

Begin thinking about an interesting story or person you'd like to interview or an idea that may be turned into a video project.

Adobe Premiere - video editing

Click on the image to the left, to go to website, and follow the steps to add audio and create a music video with the files provided. You can download the files from Google Drive here or from the link found in the tutorial. Link for Movie Maker (avi files)

© Copyright Laws

Open the Google Doc to the right and answer the questions using this website - http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html

Email to erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org when you are done.

Copyright law

Create a google website

Click on the image to the left and follow the steps to begin creating a Google Website. We will use Google Sites to create our professional portfolios, but first lets learn the basic set up of creating a website.

Photoshop icons

Click the top right corner of the image to the right to maximize the size and then Download. Click on the down arrow on top right of screen to download. Open the file in Photoshop and use the letter tool to complete the crossword puzzle.


Free Choice Design

Use the Drawing Board to the left and choose which square you want to design or draw. Use Photoshop for full credit. You can turn any two in for extra credit or to replace a grade. Make sure all your other assignments are turned in.

File formats

Use the image to the right (available on paper as well, if needed).

Right click on image and open in new tab to enlarge.

Fill in the blanks by using prior knowledge, or the internet to research, each of the file formats.

More information will be given in class to proceed.

1. Which professionals would primarily use the file extensions .gif, .jpg and .png?

2. Which professionals would primarily use the file extensions .wav, .mp3 and .aiff?

Magazine Cover Project - Part one

Magazine Cover Project

Magazine Cover Project - Part two

Magazine Cover 2

Do you have what it takes to earn a median base salary of $100,000 as an Augmented Reality Developer?

Background: Augmented Reality or AR is where artificial objects are simulated in the real world and incorporates or merges the information as part of the live view. The technology functions by enhancing a person’s concept of reality by overlaying the information over their view and merging it together. This perspective gives information and data of the object/scene viewed and in some cases, lets you manipulate the projected image to suit our needs. AR enhances the real environment whereas, VR creates a new environment altogether. Typically, augmented reality app developers will possess a mixture of skills including 3D modelling, computer vision and imaging expertise and a deep understanding of existing mobile technologies.

Open up google docs and answer the following questions using information from these Web sites:

1. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/articles/careers-in-augmented-reality

2. https://www.upwork.com/o/jobs/browse/skill/augmented-reality/

3. https://www.cwjobs.co.uk/careers-advice/it-glossary/the-10-things-you-need-to-know-about-augmented-reality

4. http://careers2030.cst.org/articles/future-augmented-reality/

Activity Questions:

1. What is the nature of the work? (Write a paragraph explaining this)

2. What type of education or training do you need in order to work in this occupation? (Explain in detail)

3. What skills or talents do you need in order to be successful in this field? (List a minimum of 3 skills)

4. What courses or activities can you take now to prepare for a future job in this field?

5. Over the next 10 years what is the job outlook for this field?

6. Is this a career that interests you? Why or why not?

Email your completed answers to erasmo.cisneros@swprep.org

follow the steps on this pdf


11/14/18 - Students have learned a variety of keyboard shortcuts to make workflow in applications more fluid. Today we will discuss many more key strokes and shortcuts and review the ones we have already covered as well. Complete the Google Form Below & then follow along with Mr. Cisneros as he demonstrates others.

11/9/18 - Students will select 2-3 headshots and follow the steps to face swap the images. 10 steps can be found here.

Right click and save the photos you'd like to use, open them in photoshop and follow the 10 steps from the link above.

Students will create dialogue and add it to a comic by applying the Type tool and other functions in Adobe Photoshop.