
Partners make the impossible become possible.

Personal Development and Community Involvement Animator, Pedagogical Services

E djohnson@swlauriersb.qc.ca T 450 621-5600, poste/ext 1406 


Our program offers an exciting and intensive leadership development experience for junior and senior high school students from the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (public school system) in Québec. We also collaborate with schools across Canada, creating a nationwide network engaging the next generation of leaders.

We develop the next generations of leaders to build a better country and world by transforming the tools acquired in the classroom into skills for life.


We are completely self-sustaining in the public school system through sponsorship, fundraisers, and grants.


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The Mémorial de l'héritage Caporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial is created by our students and is traveling from school to school across Canada for 100 years until the memorial is completed on November 11, 2123. Students from every province and territory will add names and stories of fallen soldiers from their community as they construct the memorial over many generations. The Memorial left Québec to Nova Scotia and it is now the responsibility of Kitsilano Secondary School in Vancouver, British Columbia. John M. Hill High School in New Brunswick with host the Memorial in 2026 before the Memorial heads to the North in 2027. 

ALUMNI - Pursuit of Excellence

Our alumni have become influential business and community leaders across various provinces. They hold elected and appointed positions, work in business, teaching, and STEM fields. Many are attending top North American schools like MIT in Boston. Recently, one of our student leaders was named CEO of ResearchNB in New Brunswick.

Unique and enduring partnership between soldiers and students. (15 year reflection)


We have built a unique and deep network with the Canadian Armed Forces, various regiments, soldiers and their families that have broadened our students understand of our world and their role in it. As a result; students in our program and school board are in the regular company of a former Governor General and officials who lead and serve in the highest offices in our country and interacting with people all over the world. 

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Our transformative program empowers students to take the lessons they learn in the classroom and apply them in real and meaningful ways. We help students develop the confidence, competencies, and skills they need to succeed in all areas of their lives. We achieve this through hands-on experiences like camps, weekly training, partnerships, mentorship, experiential learning, and intensive leadership development trips.


We seek to go far in our effort to engage and inspire young people to do the hard work to lead. We are working to include students from all SWLSB secondary schools and further unite our initiatives with schools to enhance the classroom, learning, and to instill confidence and fortitude in our young people.