SUHSD Virtual Wellbeing Room

Welcome to the Sweetwater Union High School District Virtual Wellness Room!  

We know that during difficult times we all experience a wide range of worry, stress, and emotions, so it’s important to maintain a strong focus on mental health and social-emotional wellbeing. The SUHSD Virtual Wellness Room is a space for students, staff, families and the community to find tools, strategies, and resources to help manage our psychological wellness by integrating purposeful pauses throughout the day to calm the mind, body and soul.  

Remember to breathe in love, exhale stress!

The resources and links shared are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or a substitute for mental health treatment.  If you are in need of psychological and/or mental health assistance, please consult a mental health specialist.  If you are someone you are concerned about is experiencing distress, please call the National Access and Crisis Line at 1-888-724-7240, or text HOME to 741741, or call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.

Explore and enjoy! 

                               If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact                                     Dr. Margaret A. Sedor, Suicide Prevention  and Wellbeing Coordinator                        Sweetwater Union High School District, Chula Vista, CA