Social Emotional Learning Resources for Parents/Guardians & Students

Welcome to the distance learning resource page developed to provide families in Sweetwater Union High School District support during school closures. Here you will find enrichment resources for middle and high school students, helpful videos, and articles to support your child's learning t home. In addition you will find resources to support the mental health and well-being of you and your family. Additional resources may also be available from your school site and/or teacher.

If you have young children at home, additional resources may be found at the California Department of Education Website or

For information regarding COVID-19 please see our COVID-19 Information page

Featured resource:

PLEASE VISIT THE PURE EDGE WEBSITE for sel activities you can do at home: WWW.PUREEDGEINC.ORg

Featured Videos:


Featured Well-Being Resources:

Featured Resources for Students:

Recursos Para Padres y estudiantes en Español

Downloadable Resources & Strategies:

Google Translate - if you find a resources that is not already set to your preferred language, translate any page by copying and pasting the link in Google Translate then selecting your language of choice.

Thank you for visiting our SUHSD Parent/Guardian Distance Learning Resources site.

This page will be updated regularly.