GCSE Specification and Curriculum Overview

Exam Specification 

All students will study GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics in Years 9 to 11. This option can be thought as analogous to studying the ‘separate sciences’ and students will either obtain three GCSEs, one in each science. or two GCSEs in Science and Additional Science (with all three subjects being assessed). Students will study in mixed ability teaching groups. In the Separate Sciences (3 GCSEs) students will study extension material in each of the three Sciences in Year 11. This material extends the depth and breadth of the subject and provides an additional challenge to those with an interest and ability in Science. This is the usual route for students who are considering studying Sciences in the 6th Form. In the Science and Additional Science course (2 GCSEs) students continue to study all three Sciences in Year 11 but with a reduced content. Although this route will not prevent students from studying Science in the 6th Form, most students following this route will not be considering taking the Sciences further than GCSE. 

Time, Equipment and Expenses

Students will be expected to do a minimum of 1.5 hours of homework per science subject per week. Homework will range from extended projects, which will run over a number of weeks, to completion of practical write ups and answering of exam style questions within a one-week time frame. Students will be provided with access to an electronic textbook for each science subject. At the start of year 9 students will be offered the opportunity to purchase a revision guide for each science subject, which they can use to support their studies throughout the GCSE course. Students will also require a calculator. The calculator purchased for the Maths GCSE course can be used. 

For more information speak to Miss Pike, Head of Physics

Helpful Resources

Bitesize revision videos.

Revision notes, past papers by topic.