Extra Curricular


As with all the Sciences at Borlase, there is a wide range of opportunities for students to get involved in STEM clubs and Societies with a Biology focus.  For students in Years 11-13, BioSoc meets weekly.  This student-led academic society brings in external speakers to showcase their specialist knowledge as well as providing a platform for senior Borlase students to show work they have done, perhaps towards an Extended Project.

For younger years, our senior students run a Key Stage 3 Science club that focuses on all the sciences.  This provides the opportunity to try out a wider range of experiments than is possible in lesson time.  Biologists also lead an annual egg hatching project: Borlase hens now live happy lives in the Oxfordshire, Bucks, Berks and Cornwall countryside!

Every year there are a range of Biology-themed projects entered into the STEM fayre.  The pictures below give a flavour of some of the entries.

In early February, 19 A-Level Biology students from across Year 12 and 13 sat the British Biology Olympiad. This is a national competition sat by over 15,000 students from across over 900 schools and consists of two 45 minute multiple choice papers. The papers test both the A-Level knowledge and wider reading of students. 

Our students did exceptionally well, with the majority of them achieving an award in the competition:

 5 Gold Awards

1 Silver Award

5 Bronze Awards 

4 Highly Commended 

3 Commended

Trips and visits

The Biology department organises regular trips and visits in support of the curriculum.  Recent trips include an A level trip to a Biology in Action conference and Year 12 fieldwork undertaken at Kew's Wakehurst site.