A level

Our 6th Form Open Evening took place on 8 November 2023.

In previous years, when we ran our Open Evening as a virtual event, we produced video guides to each subject.  These remain relevant and are available as a collected playlist on our YouTube Channel.

The introductory video to life in the 6th Form at Borlase, and a virtual tour of the school are also available to watch.

A level Specification and Curriculum Overview

Current course: OCR Biology A - H020, H420 

Course entry requirements 

Students must have achieved a minimum of a grade 7 at GCSE in Biology or a grade 7 in both Core and Additional Science. It is also recommended that students have achieved at least a grade 7 at GCSE in Maths. 

A-level curriculum overview

Biological science is a field currently undergoing a dramatic expansion both in terms of research, and in commercial and popular awareness. It is very much the subject of the future with a large number of vacancies for trained and ambitious graduates in biology-based disciplines. It is hugely popular in this school, with over 150 students studying Biology at A-level across Year 12 and 13. Our A level results are excellent, with 30% of students achieving an A* grade and 73% achieving A*-A in 2023. Last year more than 40 students went on to pursue biology-related degree courses at university, including biological sciences, biomedical sciences, ecology, biochemistry, medicine, veterinary science, nursing and sports science. 

The subject is inherently fascinating, from the complexities of chemical processes within cells to the subtle, homeostatic control mechanisms of higher organisms. The syllabus reflects the change in emphasis in biological research and students now study biotechnology, advances in gene technologies, and environmental issues such as sustainability, as well as the more traditional aspects of physiology, biochemistry and inheritance. 

Students are taught by specialists who have excellent subject knowledge and an in depth understanding of the A-level course. Students are supported in becoming leaders of their own learning and are guided in how to use their independent study time effectively to consolidate their understanding of previous lesson content and to read around the topic in advance of the next lesson. Throughout the course, students are required to develop a broad and secure knowledge base as well as a depth of understanding to enable them to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar contexts and problems. Students will have lots of opportunity for practical work and will maintain records of their practical work in their lab book as evidence for the practical endorsement qualification.

Students are encouraged to extend their interest in the subject beyond the classroom. There are several thriving academic societies already run by students, including BioSoc, MedSoc, VetSoc, EcoSoc and NursSoc. The extended project qualification is also available to year 12 students who are interested in exploring a topic of their choice in much more depth. Students work independently to produce a ‘dissertation-style’ project and the skills students develop provide excellent preparation for university study. 

Potential students should also give consideration to taking up A-level Chemistry; this facilitates understanding in the biochemical and cell biology modules which are covered early in the course. Chemistry and Biology are pre-requisites for some biology-related degrees and most medical courses. 

If you would like any more information about the A-level Biology course at Borlase or have any questions about any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Mr Blackwell (Head of Biology).