
A Note from Mr. Meehan:

Hello to all my students, grades K-5. With everything going on right now, this is a new experience for everyone, myself included. Waking up that first Monday morning knowing that I wouldn't get to hang out with you guys and make music was weird. Spending more time at home doesn't mean we have to miss each other. It just means we have to find different ways to connect. I've been putting up/will continue to put up a video every school day to share a song, musical activity, or just some fun time with all my students. I hope you have as much fun watching them as I do making them, and in the mean time I hope you will share some of the things we work on in music class with the people at home.

I will also be posting grade specific things to do here, as well as keeping an archive of all videos, which go up on my youtube channel, twitter, and facebook. Please don't hesitate to reach out in whatever way is best. We're all in this together, and I'm here for you.

Mr. Meehan - tmeehan@swanseaschools.org

I'm also including here a link to some ideas and activities dealing with resilience