Math Fact Video & Lyrics (Mr. DeMaio)


This here...

that three times

that 3, 6 and then 9

that 12, 15, 18

21, 24, 27, 30

we're counting, so astounding

I can count by threes in my sleep so simple,

that I think you'll

see the world now in 3D

times 2? ya get 6

no fingers to count on man, you got this

times 3? ya get 9

keep singing along you'll have it memorized

times 4? ya get 12

you're on fire man, now it's easy to tell

times 5? oh my! so easy to try,

ya get 1-5!!!

3, 6, 9, 12


15, 18


21, 24, 27


count it out to thirty

3, 6, 9, 12


15, 18


21, 24, 27


count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty!


let me try!

it goes 3, 6, and then 9,

12, 15, 18

21, 24, 27, 30

we're counting, so astounding

I can count by threes in my sleep

they'll be humming this, until the numbers stick

from Australia to UB

times 6? 18

get louder people, I wanna hear ya scream

times 7? 21

now that's more like it, see we're having fun

times 8? 24

keep counting people I wanna hear some more

times 9? 27

getting so loud you might get detention

3, 6, 9, 12


15, 18


21, 24, 27


count it out to thirty

3, 6, 9, 12


15, 18


21, 24, 27


count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty

count it out to thirty!


I like that...

but I can definitely use something more, some substance

count by 4's, count by 4's, count by 4's!

4, 8, 12

16, 20

24, 28, 32 36

40 and 44

48 and 52

56, 60, sixty fowowowow

4, 8, 12

16, 20

24, 28, 32 36

40 and 44

48 and 52

56, 60, sixty fowowowow


count them four times!

I know you count it

you're all about it

you want to shout it

count them four times!

you're gonna need it

so just go scream it

like you mean it

count them four times!

I know you count it

you're all about it

you want to shout it

count them four times!

you're gonna need it

so just go scream it

like you mean it

4 x 2...yeh it equals 8

and 4 x 3, is 12 you're doing great

4 x 4 is 16

4 x 5 is 20

4 x 6 equals twenty fowowowow

7 x 4, equals 28

and you''ll get 32, when you do 4 x 8

4 x 9 is 36 but you're not done just yet

because 4 x 10 is the big four-oh oh oh


count them four times!

I know you count it

you're all about it

you want to shout it

count them four times!

you're gonna need it

so just go scream it

like you mean it

count them four times!

I know you count it

you're all about it

you want to shout it

count them four times!

you're gonna need it

so just go scream it

like you mean it



when you use multiplication

and count by 6 don't get confused, and lose your patience

no no

see those 6’s can be tricky

but if you just sing it with me

you’ll be counting up to 60

know your 6’s in a jiffy

they say


cmon try it

sing it it, don’t be quiet

I wanna hear it from the highest

top of mountains, to the sky

they’re singing


oh I think that I found a way to count by 6

12, 18, 24, 30 and 36

4-2, 48, 54 and then 60

get up out of your seat and sing it with me!


6 x 2, you just double

you get 12, and 6 x 3 is no trouble


6 X 4, count one more

6, 12, 18, 24

6 x 5, you gotta try

you get that 3-oh my!

they say


cmon try it

sing it it, don’t be quiet

I wanna hear it from the highest

top of mountains, to the sky

they’re singing


oh I think that I found a way to count by 6

12, 18, 24, 30 and 36

4-2, 48, 54 and then 60

get up out of your seat and sing it with me!


so if you try 6 x 6

well the answers 36

did I mention 6 x 7

gets you 42 and next is…

8 x 6, gets you 48 and if…

you try to multiply a 6 and 9

then 5-4’s what you’re gonna find


oh I think that I found a way to count by 6

12, 18, 24, 30 and 36

4-2, 48, 54 and then 60

get up out of your seat and sing it with me!



We started counting, now we're almost done

Three, four, and five we did with ease

And now you know what's next

So you just try your best

And count by 7's until we get to 70


Let's have some fun (HAVE SOME FUN)

And sing along (SING ALONG)

To 7, 14, 21

28, and 35, to 42, and 49, to 56 and 63 then 70

Let's have some fun (HAVE SOME FUN)

And sing along (SING ALONG)

To 7, 14, 21

28, and 35, to 42, and 49, to 56 and 63 then 70


Double 7 and you'll get 14

And 7 x 3 is 21

But you're not done, no need to wait

Because 7 x 4 is 28

And 7 x 5 equals 35


Let's have some fun (HAVE SOME FUN)

And sing along (SING ALONG)

To 7, 14, 21

28, and 35, to 42, and 49, to 56 and 63 then 70

Let's have some fun (HAVE SOME FUN)

And sing along (SING ALONG)

To 7, 14, 21

28, and 35, to 42, and 49, to 56 and 63 then 70


7 x 6 equals 42

7 x 7 is 49

7 x 8's 56,

and you know 63 is next

When 9 and 7 are so simply multiplied


Let's have some fun (HAVE SOME FUN)

And sing along (SING ALONG)

To 7, 14, 21

28, and 35, to 42, and 49, to 56 and 63 then 70


Because you know

I'm counting by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I’m Countin' by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I'm counting by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I'm count in by them 8’s

by them 8’s…8’s…8’s…8’s

yeh i can count by 8’s

and multiply by 2 (two)

and I’ll get 16 (16), like I’m supposed to dude

and I’ll try 8 x 3, cuz that’s a piece of cake

it goes 8, 16, 24, count in by 8’s all day (double)

if you see, 8 x 4 (uh-huh)

ya gotta keep it up

8, 16, 24, 32…now that’s whats up (double)

if you try 8 x 5, just count it out for me

8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 (double)

now those 8’s might seem crazy, but count them out anyway (corey)

8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 (count to 80 maybe, count to 80 maybe)

56, 64, 7-2, 80, 88

and i’d tell you keep counting but this stuff’s a piece of cake

Because you know I'm counting by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

i’m Countin' by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I'm counting by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I'm count in by them 8’s by them 8’s…8’s…

you know what i’ma say

that 8 x 6 it equals 48

go ahead and try it, scream it out for me

but I’m here to count it 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 and then it’s 48

now those 8’s might seem crazy, but count them out anyway

8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 (count to 80 maybe, count to 80 maybe)

56, 64, 7-2, 80, 88

and i’d tell you keep counting but this stuff’s a piece of cake

Because you know

I'm counting by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I’m Countin' by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I'm counting by them 8’s

by them 8’s, with no trouble

I'm count in by them 8’s

by them 8’s…8’s…


you know your times tables

but here’s a new way to go

so stand up on the table

and start counting by 9

yes we count by 9’s

and we multiply

9, 18, 27, 36, 45

54, 63

72, 81, 90

keep it up, and sing with me

try it like thiiiissss….

you know your times tables

but here’s a new way to go

so stand up on the table

and start counting by 9


I, I know a number

that was kinda hard for me to understand

and when i tried to

multiply, i can’t

so i found a way to

memorize it just fine

(do doo dooo doo dooo)

now I know my nines!

I can count by 9

18, 27, 36, and 45

54, 6-3

7-2, 81, and 90

I can count by 9

18, 27, 36, and 45

now ya gotta keep it up

and you’ll be singing your nines all through this song

you’ll be singing them through this song


come count this

come count this

come count this

my, nine, nine, times

tables, count by

number 9, 18, 27, 36, 45

fifty-four, 63, 72, 81, and then 90 f

eels good, when you count them out

nines so easy, gotta shout them out

till you know, those 9’s

and you can count by them, just fine


start, counting out ya 9’s if ya really wanna try

I’m counting out my 9’s cuz I really wanna try

you’re counting out the 9’s cuz you really wanna try

I’m counting out the 9’s cuz I really wanna try

ya wanna, HA

ya wanna, HA

ya wanna, HA

ya wanna, HA

I really really really wanna count out those 9’s

when it’s 9 x 2 then, you get 18

get 27 when it’s 9 x 3

get 36 when, it’s 9 x 4

9 x 5 or 6, 45 and fifty four

start, counting out ya 9’s if ya really wanna try

I’m counting out my 9’s cuz I really wanna try

you’re counting out the 9’s cuz you really wanna try

I’m counting out the 9’s cuz I really wanna try

ya wanna, HA

ya wanna, HA

ya wanna, HA

ya wanna, HA

I really really really wanna count out those 9’s