
What is Reader's Workshop?

* Mini-lesson (5 - 10 minutes)

A short lesson focused on on some aspect of literature or a reading strategy.

* Independent Reading Time(10 - 15 minutes or more!).

The students READ! Each student will try out the mini-lesson in his or her reading. This is where students keep a journal, use the binder, and respond to the literature in terms of what they think or how they feel about what they are reading. I will conference with individual students or small groups.

* Share (5 minutes)

Readers read what strategy they used and share with a partner and/or whole class as they seek feedback.


ELA Academic vocabulary with definitions


The Seven Syllable patterns

1. Closed /met/

2. OPen /me/

3. Magic e (King Ed) pin to pine / hat to hate / fin to fine

4. Vowel Team /ai/ /ay/ /ea/ /ee/ /ie/ /oa/ /oe/

5. Bossy "R" - when a vowel is followed by an R - the R contols the sound

6. Dipthongs - /oi/ /oy/ /aw/ /au/ /oo/ /ew/ /ue/ /ui/ /ow / /ou/ /oo/

7. Consonant -le bub/ble sta/ple


Story Elements


S - Setting

T - talking Characters

O -Oops, there is a Problem (Conflict)

R - Rising action - solving the problems through events

(PLOT ending with the CLIMAX or turning point)

Y - Yes! There is a solution (Resolution)

Characters - People, animals, or other creatures in the story

Setting - When and where the story takes place

Sequence (plot)- The way the events are ordered

Exposition - background knowledge of the characters or setting that is important to the story. This is usually found at the beginning.

Conflict - Problem faced by the characters

Climax - Where the conflict is resolved and is the most exciting part of the story right before the final solution.

Resolution - The end of the story that happens after the climax

HM Powerpoints

4 Types of CONFLICT

Examples used in the movie, "Tangled"

Please watch 1, 2, 4 & 5

More Examples

Character vs. Character

An EXTERNAL conflict that involves a struggle, mental or physical, between two characters in the story.

Character vs. Nature

An EXTERNAL conflict that involves a struggle between the character and the elements of nature that are beyond his/her control.

Character vs Society

An EXTERNAL conflict that involves the struggle between a character and the rules or laws that govern the society in which he/she lives.

Character vs. Self

An INTERNAL conflict that involves the struggle between the character and his/her conscience.