Study Secrets

Students need to be taught to study. Below are some helpful tips that will aid in studying for a test or while doing homework:

  • Set goals ahead of time. determine what you need to learn and when you need to learn it by. Give yourself ample time to study the information. it is better to study a little each night than try to cram everything into one night.
  • Use a planner at school and at home. In your planner write down your homework assignments, when projects are due and any outside activities. After you complete an assignment, place a check mark next to it. This will help you keep track of what you have completed and what still needs to be done.
  • Create a homework station at home. Your homework area should be in an area free from distractions. Make sure you are away from the television, telephone, and loud noises. Make sure that you have everything you need, such as pencils, pens, paper, sticky notes.
  • Rewrite your notes. By rewriting your notes, you are transferring the information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.
  • Have a study buddy. Choose a friend or family member who you can turn to if you need help with homework, or need someone to quiz you.
  • Concentrate only on your homework.
  • Take breaks and have a smart snack. Take a five minute break after every minutes of studying. Research shows that taking breaks helps your overall retention. Concentration drops when blood sugar levels drop, so have a healthy snack, rich in protein, to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
  • Drink lots of water. The oxygen in water helps give your brain a boost of energy.
  • Visualize what you are reading. Making pictures in your head helps you understand what you are reading.
  • Make connections. Try connecting the new information to your life. have you experienced anything similar to what you are reading about.
  • Don't study when you're tired. When your body and mind are tired, it is hard to focus your brain into learning something new.
  • Have an "I Can" attitude. When you prepare yourself adequately, you will succeed!