
This month we will be focusing on ladybugs and other bugs.

Check in often to see the what stage the ladybugs are in. Complete the activities to help learn more about these amazing insects.

Activities to complete 5/18-5/22

Fun interactive Let's Find Out!

Let's Find Out- Ladybugs check your messages in Dojo for the password.

** If you do not see the message or need help access please send me a message.

New Stage

The Larvae are now in the pupa stage. I wonder how long until they are ladybugs!

Activities to complete 5/11-5/15

My oh my! So big!

The larva is growing so big. They are crawling all around their new home and eating all the food! Their food looks like sand in the bottom of their habitat. Soon they will be entering the pupa stage, but first, they need full bellies. Does this remind you of the caterpillars?

Life Cycle

Complete the life cycle of a ladybug. Refer to the chart from last weeks lessons (below) to see how these insects grow.

Fun facts!

Learn fun facts about Ladybugs!

Ladybug facts

Activities to complete 5/4-5/8

The Lady bugs have arrived. They are very tiny and hard to see. I am excited to learn about Lady bugs with you over the next few weeks!

They love to crawl all over the crinkled paper and explore their new habitat.

I spy...

Can you see how much these little bugs (larva) have grown in 5 days!! Look closely at the green paper!

Fun facts on lady bugs

Listen to some of these amazing facts about ladybugs!

The Life Cycle

Check out how lady bugs grow.