Caterpillars/ Butterflies

This month we will be focusing on caterpillars and butterflies.

Check in often to see the what stage the caterpillars/butterflies are in. Complete the activities to help learn more about these amazing insects.

Activities to complete 4/27-5/1

Roll, say, color

Use a die from a board game to review the stages of the butterfly. Roll the die and count what number it is. Find that number on the paper and color. Repeat until they are all colored.

Make your own beautiful butterfly! Pick 1 of the crafts to try at home or create your own butterfly creation using materials you have available.

paper plate butterfly

styrofoam cup butterfly

shadow butterfly with chalk or crayons

butterfly collage

Activities to complete 4/13-4/17

Listen to the stages

Review the 4 stages of the butterfly with this movement song

Practice the stages

Use the video to help you sort the 4 stages. Be sure to color the images

Design a butterfly

What do you think our butterflies will look like?

Activities to complete 4/6-4/9

Life Cycle

There are four fascinating stages in a butterfly's life. Who knew they went through so many changes. Let's see if you can put them in order. (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly)

Stage 2 and 3

The caterpillars are transitioning from stages 2 to three in the life cycle of a butterfly. Who can name these stages? Use the photos below of Mrs. Moreau's caterpillars to color and talk about your observations from these stages.

Coloring fun

Try to draw a caterpillar or print this image above. Create a fun pattern with colors and share!

Saturday 4/4

They are making their way to the top. They are extra full!

Tuesday 4/7

They have all made it to the top and are all about to be in their chrysalis. How long do you predict they will be resting for?

Monday 4/13

They are all ready to go! I moved them to their home for when they come out of their chrysalis.

Welcome!! 4/16

Let's Welcome our first butterfly! Mrs. Moreau woke up to the butterfly flying around on 4/16.

Tuesday 3/24

They have already doubled their size!!!! They are VERY Hungry!

Friday 3/27

WOW!! How fast they are growing! Look at all the nibbles in the food!

Monday 3/30

These caterpillars are eating away! What is your prediction, when will they go into their chrysalis?

Thursday 4/2

They are still caterpillars crawling around and eating a lot!

What could it be?

Our April science unit arrive early!! Any guesses? What are they? What might they become?

Make your predictions and draw a picture of what you see today. Check back each day to see how they have changed!