Writing at Home

Writing is a means of sharing ideas and thoughts with others. As your child is learning to write please keep in mind the message they are trying to convey. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation will develop through a LOT of practice. While those are important skills we work on in class, we want to first encourage a love of writing and celebrate the amazing ideas the children have!

Try some of these fun activities at home to encourage your growing writer!

*Have your child keep a journal and write about and illustrate things that are special to them.

*Leave notes and special messages around the house for your child and encourage them to do the same.

*Help your child write clues for a scavenger hunt for friends and family.

*Write letters or send cards to loved ones (even if they live close by). Everyone loves receiving mail!

*Help your child write a new ending to a favorite story or create a new story together.

*Write and illustrate an ABC book.