Birthday Celebrations

Birthday Treats

Bringing a birthday snack to school to share with classmates is a great way to celebrate with our class. Please let me know if and when you want to send in a birthday snack for your child's birthday. We do occasionally have duplicate birthdays and it is nice if each child has their own special day. Our district does have a Wellness Policy so we are unable to pass out cupcakes, cookies, brownies, etc. Some healthy options are fruit, yogurts, muffins, pretzels or 100 calorie packs. If spoons or forks are needed please send those in with the snack.

Nonfood ideas are also a great option. Pencils, stickers, bubbles, and small playdough containers make great treats!

Birthday Party Invitations

If your child would like to invite classmates to his or her birthday party please remember that either all the boys, all the girls, or the whole class should be included in order for invitations to be passed out in class. I understand if this is not always possible as our class has many children. Please try to make other arrangements for passing out invitations if needed.