How to Choose Just Right Books

Children need to be taught to browse text and make choices based on their personal taste. When students fail to make a connection with text, an expectation of discouragement and disappointment may result instead of pleasure and expectation.

The Five Fingers Test: A questioning strategy for readers:

Open your book to the middle.

Open up your hand.

Read a page of the book to yourself.

Put down a finger every time you find a “tricky” word.

1 Finger - Easy!

2 Fingers - Just Right.

3 Fingers - A little bit hard, but it could be fun to try.

4 Fingers - Difficult to read. (Try reading with parents or friends.)

5 Fingers - This book is probably too hard to be fun. Save it for later, or have an adult read it to you.

The best book for you is the one you enjoy!