Speech and Language Therapy

Welcome to Ms. Archer's Speech Site!

Below you will find weekly activities for Language and Articulation practice.

Many of us are at home for the time being. Although this time will be rather different than what we are used to, it can be a time to be together, play together and learn together.

You are not alone. Reach out if you need anything. I'm just an email or phone call away :)

Andrea Archer, BS, SLPA

Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant

email: andrea.archer@swanseaschools.org

Language Fun!

Have your child choose a book from the selection on www.vooks.com (you must create an account,it's free!!) or a book from home. Read the story with your child. Ask your child who, what, where questions while reading to them. Does your child understand the story and what is happening?

Click the picture to the left, to sign up for Vooks for FREE!!! Happy Reading!!


Articulation Scavenger Hunt

Have your child choose their favorite book and go on a articulation sound scavenger hunt. Look through the pages to find things that have their sounds in the word. Make a list of the things you find containing your child's sounds and practice each word 10 times.

Try your best and have fun!!


Language Scene

Use this activity for discussion with your child/children. You can look at the picture on the first page then scroll to the second page to ask and answer questions together.


Fortune Tellers

These little games are also called Cootie Catchers. You are probably familiar with the folded up version that helps you find out who you best friend is or if you will live in a mansion when you grow up. You pick a number then count....then pick a color and spell it out...open the flap to reveal your fortune!! Remember them?

We are going to use this as an articulation game!

Watch the video to learn how to make a paper fortune teller. Use colors, numbers or letters on the flaps. Inside put words that contain your child/children's articulation sounds.


You can create a fortune teller for each sound your child is working on. You could even create one for each position of the sound. If your child is working on sounds in isolation you could use the letter on the inside and have them practice the sound that the letter makes. So many fun ways to use this game


Kids Oral Motor Exercises You Can Try At Home

Blowing bubbles: This is for lip and cheek weakness, but it's fun and kids will play with bubbles without even knowing it's therapy.

Using straws to drink: This works on every aspect of a child's mouth. Children should be using straw cups by 1 year of age.

Making funny faces: Have your child look in the mirror and imitate funny faces. Again, these faces will depend on what weakness your child is displaying.

Lollipops: Yes, they can be used in therapy! Your child can lick the lollipop or different candies using their tongues in different positions so that the tongue gains strength.


Language/ Barrier Game

Using objects or pen and paper, barrier games are great for developing giving instructions and using descriptive language. You can set this up with a simple barrier between two people at a table or on the floor using a propped up book or even a cereal box.

On one side of the barrier one person will set up the items and on the other side the other person will have all of the same objects available to use.

One person describes and gives instruction to the other person on how to make their side match. I have given you two different ways to try this out :)


-Each player should have identical blocks on each side of the barrier.

-One player builds a tower and when the tower is complete they can describe one block at a time to the other player to help them build a matching tower without looking. (include color, location and size to describe their blocks and where to put them.

-Remove the barrier to see if the towers are identical!!


-2 identical farm scenes on 2 pieces of paper. You could include a field, a barn, a pond and a house.

-player 1 can draw animals (or use farm animal toys if you have 2 sets of them) on their paper in different areas of the farm.

-player 1 can describe where each animal is to their partner. For example: the cow is in the field, the horse is in the pond, and the chicken is next to the house.

-player 2 follows the instructions of where to draw/put their animals while behind the barrier until they are all done.

-Then remove the barrier to see if the pictures match!


Articulation Practice

Have fun practicing your sounds with these tic-tac-toe boards. Find your sound, print it out if you would like to and practice the words 5 times each. You can make sentences with each word if you would like a challenge!


Mixed Final Consonants

Final /f/

Final /l/

Final /z/

Final /m/

Initial /m/

Initial /p/

Iniitial /b/

initial /s/

final /s/

initial /k/

WH Questions & Language Fun


Dinosaur Fun

Have your child look at the picture of "Dinosaur Fun" while you read the sentences to them. After you are done reading, answer the following questions together:

  • When did dinosaurs live?
  • What size were many dinosaurs?
  • What did some dinosaurs eat?

Listening activity: Print out the picture for you child to use while you give the following directions:

  • Draw a circle around the dinosaur eggs
  • Color the dinosaur that looks like a tiger brown
  • Color the dinosaur with the long neck green
  • Circle the flying dinosaur
  • Color the dinosaur that is standing on two legs orange
  • Draw a picture of the sun in the sky
  • Draw another flying dinosaur
  • Color the ground yellow and green
  • Circle the tallest dinosaur

If you could be a dinosaur, which dinosaur would you like to be? Why?

Spaghetti Time

Have your child look at the picture of "Spaghetti Time" while you read the sentences to them. After you are done reading, answer the following questions together:

  • Who makes tasty spaghetti?
  • Who helps Mr. Brad get ready for dinner?
  • Who will be home soon?

Listening activity: Print out the picture for you child to use while you give the following directions:

  • Color the milk carton red
  • Write the letter "B" on Mr. Brad's apron
  • Color Mr. Brad's shirt blue
  • Circle the pot that Mr. Brad is holding
  • Color Mr. Brad's shoes black
  • Color the fork, spoon and knife yellow
  • Draw a picture on the wall over the table
  • Write the letter "S" under the spoon
  • Write the letter "K" next to Kyle
  • Write the letter "H" above Heather's head

Do you like spaghetti? What do you like best, the noodles, the meatballs or the tomato sauce?

Language anytime and anywhere

Many language skills can be targeted through playing together with an adult! Choose an activity such as Lego blocks, Play-doh, catch, dinosaurs, or action figures, and follow your child’s lead. Have your characters interact & talk with each other, narrate aloud what you are doing or creating, or sort things into groups that are alike (ex: all the big dinosaurs, or all the red pieces).



Complete the worksheet with synonyms and antonyms. The directions are at the top of the worksheet. Print it out if you want to have some fun coloring!


Expanding Sentences/ WH questions/ Pronouns/ Verbs/ Labeling

Ask the question, “What is happening?” If needed, model the correct sentence pointing to the cue shapes at the bottom of the picture. If needed, use visuals below the scenes to reinforce the pronouns he, she and they. Also, a sentence strip may be used for eliciting sentences. Ask any questions that come to mind for you. If your child takes the conversation in a different direction, you may branch off with totally different follow up questions. Make the activity work for you!


What is happening here?

Who is doing the activity?

Where do you think they are?

What is happening here?

Who is participating?

How do you think they know each other?

Where do you imagine they might be going?

What is he doing?

How is he feeling?

What do you think is going to happen?

What steps do you think he took to do this activity?

Where do plants start? Where do they go when they are big enough?

What is happening here?

Who is playing?

Where might they be?

Roll a sentence

Roll two die and match one to each column. Move your fingers to the center and look at the picture where they meet. Make a sentence using the correct pronoun (he,she,they) and the correct verb.

Example: if I rolled 2 die and got a 2 and a 3, the sentence would be "She is eating." You can add more details by saying "She is eating corn", "She is eating corn on the cob", or "She is eating corn on the cob and wearing a blue shirt."



Gumball Machine Fun

Print out the picture of the gumball machine. (One for each child) You can have them draw a circle in their gumball machine for each sound/word they practice for speech therapy. Practice each word at least 5 times with your best speech sounds. Color them in when you are all done.

Send along a picture of your completed project to my email :)


Email me a picture of you doing your favorite activity at home or draw a picture of your favorite thing to do :)



I enjoy going for hikes with my daughter.

Here I am...being silly :)

What am I standing on?

Do you like going outside and being silly?

What do you see on the dandelion?

What sound do they make?

These flowers are so pretty!!

What color are they?

What's your favorite color?

Such a pretty view. What is shining in the sky?

What else do you see in the picture?

Funny Faces : Can you do what I'm doing? Try it and send me some silly pictures!!



Fish face

Pucker lips and suck cheeks in to make a “fish-face”

Tongue in cheek

Have child put their tongue inside their cheek so cheek puffs out. An adult can press against the child's tongue on their cheek while child resists with tongue.

Press against their cheek for 3-5 seconds

Relax & Repeat 5 times on each side

Tongue up behind teeth

Place tongue on alveolar ridge, (the area behind your top teeth.) Open mouth as wide as possible maintaining tongue contact.

Hold for 3 -5 seconds

Relax & Repeat 5 times

Oral Motor Exercises & Oral Exercises

Do these to get your children’s oral muscles in shape for speech and better function.

Pucker up

Pucker your lips, as for a kiss, hold, then relax.

Relax & Repeat 5 times.

Puff up cheeks with air

Fill cheeks with air. Try to move air from one cheek to the other 5 to 10 times. No air should escape from around the lips or the nose.

Relax & Repeat 5 times.

Tongue tip to corner

Stick out your tongue and move it slowly from corner to corner of your lips. Hold in each corner, relax and repeat several times. Be sure your tongue actually touches each corner each time.

Outdoor Language exploration with Ms. Archer


Come explore with Ms. Archer

I love going for an afternoon walk and hike on some nearby trails. I also enjoy long bike rides.

Do you like going on adventures? I have found some great things while outside and would like to share them with you.

Look at the things I have found and answer the questions that go with the pictures. I hope you like my pictures!!

Send me some pictures of what you find when you are outside.

I found this right on my street!!

What do you see in the tree?

What animal lives here?

I found these beautiful flowers during my bike ride

What color are these flowers?

Where do you think they are growing?

This was a beautiful view very early in the morning

What is the sun doing?

Why is it so low in the sky?

Look what I found on my walk

What is on the tree?

Who could live in there?

What else might be in there?

Here I am trying my best to balance and not fall while getting my picture taken :)

What is Ms. Archer doing with her hand?

Where is her other hand?

What is Ms. Archer balancing on?

What do you think she is wearing on her back?

I spotted this on a hike

What is this?

What did they use to make this?




Roll two dice and follow the directions that are next to the number you roll

More Outside Adventures with Ms. Archer


Here I am again! :)

What do you think I am wearing on my head?

Why is it important to wear one on your head? What does it do?

Where do you think I was going?

Look what I saw on my bike ride!!!

What animal do you see?

What noise does this animal make?

What does this animal have covering its body?


  • Find an old container that you can toss some cards into (decorating it is optional)
  • Toss in the articulation cards with words containing the sounds you have been practicing.
  • Toss in a few cards that say "Bang!" (make them the same size as the articulation cards.
  • Set a timer for 5 minutes
  • Taking turns, each player pulls out one card at a time without looking. Then they look at the card and say their word. If it is said correctly, the player can keep the card in their pile. If not, the card goes back in the container.
  • If the player pulls out a Bang! card everyone yells "Bang!" and the player has to put their entire pile back in the container.
  • When the timer goes off , the player with the most cards wins.


  • Flip through the 10 sets of pictures
  • In each set label the three pictures
  • Which 2 go together?
  • How do they go together?
  • What else might be grouped with the 2 that go together?

Following Directions


Click on a picture to print each one or work from you computer screen.

Read a direction to your child and see if they can do as you say. Use the directions: "point to", "touch" or "show me".

You can use these pictures to work on labeling and identifying objects.

following directions 1.pdf
following directions 3.pdf
following directions 2.pdf
following directions 4.pdf

Have your child answer: What are all the kids doing? What do you see in the pictures?

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Click on the spinner

Name three things that belong in the category that you get


Articulation Work


1. Make a list of 10 words with your sound at

the beginning.

2. Find a pair of dice. Roll the dice and say

each word from your list the number of times

you roll.

3. Try to make your best sounds!

Articulation Practice and Craft


Let's do a craft together while we practice our sounds!

  • You will need 2 pieces of paper (2 white pieces or 2 different colors), scissors, crayons or markers and glue or a glue stick
  • Draw a picture of a bug jar on one piece of paper and cut it out.
  • Draw ovals or a shape that you want to use as your bugs on a different piece of paper. Cut them out.
  • Write your speech sounds or words on the shapes that you cut out. If you used white paper you can color the bugs.
  • As you practice the sound or the word on your bugs, you can glue them in the jar.
  • When all the bugs are glued in the jar and you are done practicing, you can add wings, legs, eyes and a mouth to your bugs.

I would love to see your completed art!

Send me an email with your work: andrea.archer@swanseaschools.org



Look at each picture.

What are they doing? What were they doing yesterday?

Example: Picture 1- "She is walking the dog."

"Yesterday she walked the dog."



Help me find the lost items.

-5 ladybugs

-3 moons

-2 smiley faces

-5 arrows

-3 lassos

When your child finds an item, have them point to it and then tell you where it is using a preposition.

"The smiley face is above the frog"

"The moon is below the penny"

Use this activity for:

-identifying objects: Give a direction to your child: "Point to the lion"

-labeling objects: point to something and have your child name what it is.

-using prepositions: under, over/above, next to, above, around, on top of, in the middle/between, behind/in back of

Fun With Articulation


-Roll a set of dice

-Color the number you get and practice one of your speech words that many times

-Write a speech word under each shark.

-Practice each word 5 times

-Color in your shark after practicing the written word

Artic: Butterfly Craft Fun


-Cut out two heart shapes and a long oval, as shown in the picture

-Tear up tissue paper or colored paper into little pieces

-As you practice your speech sounds/words (5 times each), glue the pieces onto the butterfly.




Can you name everything in the pictures?

Choose an activity to practice your vocabulary:

- play bingo

-play eye-spy with a parent

-cut them out to sort them by category

Answer the Questions below the pictures

What is it called?

When do you wear it? (bedtime, when it is cold out, etc.)

Where do you wear it? (on your head, on your hands,etc.)

What is it called?

What color is it?

What type of food is it? (fruit, vegetable, dessert, drink, snack, breakfast, dinner)

What is it called?

What is it used for?

What is it called?

Where could you see one?

Who drives it?

WH Game board


-Print out the two game board pictures and tape them together

-Start above the sun and try to pass the sandcastle, the ice-cream cone and go all the way to the sunblock

-Go through each question on your own or roll a die to see where you land.

-Play with a friend or parent to add some extra fun!

Beach Scene


Use the beach scene to answer the WH questions.

Do you like going to the beach? Will you be going to the beach this summer? What do you like to do at the beach?

Email me your answers! I would love to hear from all of you.


word lists.pdf

Choose an articulation activity from one of the past weeks

Find the words from the list that are under the sound you are practicing

Complete the activity using your best sounds!!


Here is the link if the picture will not open to print:


Distance Learning Articulation Calendar.pdf

Check out the articulation calendar for activities you can do daily to practice your sounds!

Click the link here if the picture doesn't open for you:



Get outside and enjoy the nice weather!!