Click Below to Schedule Your Lessons & Observations 


Swampscott High School

Driver Education


Tuition Increase Update as of 3/28/24


 Next Course Information

July 29th - August 2nd - Weekdays Only - 9am - 4pm in B129

The parent meeting for this class was held on June 12th, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in B129 at SHS               


Additional Courses

September 7th - September 21st - Weekends Only - 9am - 4pm in B129

The parent meeting for this class will be held on September 4th, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in B129 at SHS   

October 19th - November 2nd - Weekends Only - 9am - 4pm in B129

The parent meeting for this class will be held on October 16th, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in B129 at SHS   

 Want to enroll in a class?  Click here!

We'll confirm enrollment by adding your student to their respective Google Classroom accounts. Please ensure they've received the invite and have joined the Google Classroom.  The cost of the classroom portion($200.00) needs to be paid by the first day of any class you're enrolling in. This can be done through Unipay.

All students should have their district issued device and charger for all classroom hours.


Please make sure your student is a MINIMUM of 15 and 9 months exactly. Use this link to see what their age will be at the beginning of course. -

**We will not be sending out a reminder about the start of the course once a student is enrolled in this class. Please mark it on your calendar.**

***With our accelerated course schedule, ideally, students shouldn't miss any classes. If a student isn't 15 and 9 months on the start date, they will have to start during our next course.***


Program Information: Total Cost $725.00 - $200.00 for the class and $525.00 for the driving & observations. The classroom cost should be paid before the first day of classes.

-- If a student fails to cancel a lesson without 24 hours notice, they will be charged $26.00. This fee must be paid before you schedule or have your next driving lesson. 

This course is available to all students in the high school and beyond. Students must be 15 and 9 months in order to enroll. 

Minimum requirements are for ALL driving schools are below and must be completed within 2 years of beginning the classroom.

1.      30 hours of classroom instruction - Students must make up all missed classes!

2.      12 hours on-the-road training 

3.      6 hours of observation

A permit test must be passed before a student may participate in road training. Parents are also required to attend a 2-hour information meeting,(driving lessons cannot begin if the parent meeting requirement isn't completed) as mandated by the RMV. This course is valid for 5 years, if you attended for another child at SHS, we have a record of it, so please let us know their name. If you attended a parent night elsewhere, we'll need the documentation from that driving school.


Payment plans are an option. All checks should be made to: Town of Swampscott

We ask that you pay the $200.00 for the class before the start date.  For the first 3 lessons/hours scheduled, a payment of $225.00 should be made, then a $100.00 payment made for each set of 3 lessons you're looking to schedule.


In order to expedite the process of completing driver education, below is an explanation of how to pay the RMV Certification Fee.

An update on the certification process. Once a student has completed all of their driving hours and observation hours, all students need to be certified with the RMV, stating all of the requirements(30 hours of classroom instruction, parent meeting, 12 hours of driving, and 6 hours of observation) of driver education are done and need to be certified before they're able to schedule a license test. You can now pay that $15.00 here!


You're looking for RMV Certification Fee on Unipay, once paid, we will then certify your student directly through the RMV website. This will be the only way moving forward to certify your student/s. Once they're certified, I'll email the student/parent/guardian email on Schedule 2 Drive so you can move forward with scheduling a license test. Please allow up to 7 business days for this transaction to be completed.


Some information about Schedule 2 Drive

If you've completed any driving lessons, logging on shouldn't be an issue. Click the link above, go to the Student Login and enter the information requested. Once you're on your profile, please ensure that your permit issue date is filled in, that your address is correct, ensure you have a valid, acceptable email address/es entered that you regularly and check and update your cell phone number if necessary. For communication between Schedule 2 Drive, you and us, it's important that this information is accurate.

If you're unable to log-in, it's likely because we do not have your permit number and/or a payment is still due. If you've never done a driving lesson and recently received your permit, please email me at  with your SA number and permit issue date, I'll enter it into your profile and activate your account, as long as a payment has been made and processed, you'll then be able to schedule lessons/observations. 

(Please give us 1-5 business days to complete this)

All newly starting students really should schedule their first times on the road with us an observation then drive or vice versa. Which means you will be in the car for 2 hours(RMV policy maximum). Example; 2:45pm-4:45pm or 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

Students should not be scheduling more than 2-3 lessons(hours) per month. That is what we've always suggested because it's the most educationally sound way of learning one of the most important skills a new teen driver needs. In some circumstances, we will allow it, but that is a case-by-case basis. Any student that schedules more than the 2-3 lessons(hours) per month without prior approval or proper payment will have them canceled within the Schedule 2 Drive system. 

Payments should still be made accordingly and prior to scheduling any lessons.  

This can still be done via the online payment site -

Payments can also be made by check (Town of Swampscott)


Transferring to Another Driving School?

All requests to transfer to another driving school must come from the school. You contact the school you want to transfer to, they initiate the transfer through the RMV and all completed components are transferred over to the new school.

Please allow up to 10 business days for this request to be completed.


 We have also created a partnership with In Control Crash Prevention, they will be providing a discount of $30.00 for all Swampscott High School Driver Education students that enroll in their skills course. Two of our instructors have gone through their program in order to introduce some of the skills learned during their course, as well as being able to provide an accurate recommendation to parents/guardians/students about this course.