Submit a #postitreview

You must have a google account (school or personal) to access this form. Contact us at the email at the bottom of the page if you are unable to submit.

What is a #postitreview?

Take a look at some examples on our Instagram page and follow us @swamplibrary

We also have a Twitter account @SwampMiddleSch and will be posting reviews on our library website if you do not have social media

Use a post it to write out a brief description of your book that would interest others in reading it

This is not a "report" but rather a way of providing a space for students to share their love for a book for others to see and possibly then read themselves

Do not include your name or personal information

Then - take a photo of your post it with your book (if you have it) and submit it through this form!

Be creative with your submissions :)

Submit as many reviews as you would like!

We will be posting the submissions as we receive them throughout the summer

Hopefully your #postitreview will inspire someone else to read your book!

**Is something not working with our form or are you unable to upload?

Shoot Mrs. Poverchuk (computer teacher/digital learning specialist) an email:

Submit your #POSTITREVIEW: Submission Link