METCO, which stands for the METropolitan COuncil for Educational Opportunity, is a state-funded, voluntary educational desegregation program designed to eliminate racial imbalance through the busing of children from Boston, MA, and Springfield, MA to suburban public schools in the 38 communities where the program operates. The METCO program provides opportunities for urban and suburban students to experience diversity, learn to respect human differences and celebrate the richness of a multicultural setting.

METCO was incorporated in 1966 under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

METCO exists in 34 suburban school systems across the state of Massachusetts. The central administrative office is located in Roxbury at 40 Dimock Street.

METCO is a voluntary educational partnership program. Parents choose to enroll their children in METCO. The suburban communities choose to participate in the METCO Program. These programs offer Boston and suburban youngsters opportunities to learn together, to develop an understanding of our pluralistic world and an appreciation of various cultures.

METCO provides the opportunity for a quality integrated public school education for African Americans, other children of color, and for suburban children in participating towns.

METCO is a state-funded program. Each year, suburban communities receive state funds which cover the costs related to their METCO program.

To learn more about METCO and enrollment please visit METCO INC.