What Anxious Kids Look Like

Kids can present anxiety in many different ways. Some signs that a child is anxious are:

  • Scared or shy: They can not be easily reassured or comforted in new situations.
  • Sad/Upset: At times, children may lack confidence or have a poor self-image. They may be unsure about their own ability.
  • Angry, Aggressive, or Inflexible
    • Anxious children find routines comforting and when schedules are changed they may become irritable.
    • They may have highly emotional responses to seemingly minor problems often due to their own fears about what is going to happen.
  • Inattentiveness in the classroom. These children may be internally distracted by their thoughts. Parents and teacher may see them staring into space, fidgeting frequently, or having difficulty staying on task.
  • Refusal or reluctance to try new things such as birthday parties, playdates, car lane, entering school independently.

For more information about the signs and symptoms of anxiety visit: https://childmind.org/article/classroom-anxiety-in-children/