Late and Missing Work

Students will find the transition to Grade 7 one of the best experiences of school because of the multitude of changes. The best is the different teachers they will have over the course of the day and the opportunity to transition from one class to another. Students enjoy changing classes and gives them a chance to interact with friends in the hallway as well as some physical movement. The downside is that students have to manage their supplies and assignments, and they only have 50 minutes in a class to work before needing to move on to the next class. My class is open at recess for students who want a space to work on assignments. To support students with additional time for completing work, we also have a Homework Club at noon housed in where a Grade 7 or 8 teacher is available to help with the work. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the help. In some cases, students may be required to attend because they have not used their time wisely in class and therefore need to do some “overtime”. Assignments are due based on date set in class when the assignment is given, unless other arrangements with the teacher have been made. Contact with home will be made after an assignment is late despite making arrangements for alternate deadline dates. Please be aware that the SVSD late/missing work policy will be posted on the school website and will address deadlines, student expectation and consequences.