Classroom Management

*I believe strongly that classroom management should be a positive aspect in the classroom. Creating an environment where there is mutual respect, and communication, is of the upmost importance to me. I want students to come into my classroom ready to take chances, meet new friends, learn, and have fun while doing so.

Classroom Clip Chart

Grades K-2 Behavior Plan

Our K-2 classrooms will use a clip chart to monitor behavior. A clip chart is a great tool that allows students to be rewarded for positive behavior, while discouraging negative behavior. (Specific rewards will be determined by the classroom teacher.) Each student has a clothespin with his or her name on it. Everyone starts on green at the beginning of each day, and clips can be moved up and down throughout the day based on behavior.


Students will move their clip to “pink” for extraordinary behavior. Please don’t expect your student to reach this level daily.


Students move to “purple” for continuing to make good choices throughout the day.


Students move to “blue” for making good choices, trying their best, and showing good character. This is a good level on which to end the day.


All students begin the day on “green”. They will move up and down during the day depending on the choices they make. This is an acceptable level on which to remain. The student did not make poor choices; it just means he/she didn’t go “above and beyond”.


Students move to “yellow” as a reminder that they need to follow the classroom rules.


When students move to “orange” the teacher will choose an appropriate consequence. It could be the loss of 5 or 10 minutes of recess depending on the misbehavior and what would be more meaningful to the student.


Students move to “red” for continually making bad choices that affect their learning and that of other students. They will receive an incident report. Principal and parents will be notified.


In addition to our classroom clip chart, students will be expected to follow RISE.

R: Responsibility

I: Integrity

S: Safety

E: Engagement