Physical Education & Health Expectations

physical education Expectations

Sauquoit Valley Middle School Physical Education provides a variety of exploratory experiences, allowing the students to discover their strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. Units are numerous but not lengthy. This is not a time to be concerned with developing high skill levels, since students are trying their wings in many activities, including team and lifetime sports. Our middle school program will allow students to enter high school with a rich background of experiences to draw on when choosing activities to pursue in greater depth.


1. Be prepared when you are in class

2. Participate when you are in class

3. Check for Online work: turned in on time

4. Complete Worksheets/Quizzes/Tests

5. Have Fun!!

HEALTH CLASS Expectations


Students have Health every other day all year. It is important to be here to get the information you need. If you are absent from class, the next day you are here- even if it is a PE day please see me to get your missed work.