Middle School Health & Physical Education
GRADES 5,6 & 8:
Brittney Kuhn: BrKuhn@svcsd.org
Frank Curriere Jr.: Fcurriere@svcsd.org
Presently we will NOT be able to use the locker rooms. At the moment, students will NOT be required to wear the PE uniform. (We will NOT be ordering any uniforms until further notice).
However, students are responsible for wearing sneakers and comfortable and appropriate clothes that they can exercise in. Students should be prepared to stay in and/or go outside for class.
Preparation and Participation will be part of your grade.
Please be sure you have a water bottle.
Students will learn about the different ways to keep themselves healthy (physically, mentally/ emotionally, and socially). Giving them the skills to make healthy decisions and live healthy lives.
This year we will cover the following topics:
Health & Wellness
Taking Charge of Your Health
Internet Safety
Physical Activity & Nutrition
Personal Safety and Basic First AID Procedures
Mental Health & Stress Management
Healthy Relationships
Resolving Conflicts & Preventing Violence
Growing and Changing
Communicable/ Non Communicable Diseases
Tobacco / Vaping / Nicotine Products
Alcohol & Drugs