Abbreviations/Jargon & explanations 

ICPC Initial Child Protection Conference

RCPC Review Child Protection Conference

CG Core Group

CIN Child in Need

TAF Team around the family

PLO Public Law Outline

SGO Special Guardianship Order

ISO Interim Supervision Order

ICO Interim Care Order

SW Social Worker

AYSE Newly qualified Social Worker (Assessed 1st Year in practice)

DA/DV Domestic Abuse/Domestic Violence

MH Mental Health

TM Team manager

LSCB Local Safeguarding Children Board

SEN Special Educational needs

CFCS Children's first contact service - (used to be MASH)

CYPDS Children and Young People Disabilities Service 

LGBTQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer

CAMHs Child and Adolescent Mental Health service

VPP Vulnerable Pupil Panel

EHCP Education Health and Care Plan

LAC Looked After Child

FGC Family Group Conference

MACE Multi Agency panel regards Criminal Exploitation

MAPPA Multi Agency panel regards Public Protection

MGM Maternal Grandmother

PGF Paternal Grandfather

CAIT Police ‘Child abuse investigation team

MST Multi systemic Therapy

LADO Local Authority Designated officer

CSE Child Sexual Exploitation

CE Criminal exploitation

FGM Female Genital Mutilation

LAS Looked after children’s service

HOS Head of service

SM Service manager

ADM Agency Decision Maker

FFT Functional Family Therapy

S47 A safeguarding investigation,(see Section 47 of the 1989 Childrens act)

S14 A Child in Need service,(see Section 17 of the Children’s act)

TYS Targeted Youth Service

ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder

ADHD Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

FSW Family Support Worker

YOT/YOS Youth Offending team or Service

LCT Leaving Care Team

ODD Oppositional defiant disorder

PPO Police Protection Order 

CAO Child Arrangements Order

MARAC Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (regards Domestic Abuse)

IDVA Independent Domestic Violence Advocate