Video production 2


The Video Production 2 course offers high school students an immersive and dynamic learning experience in the art of filmmaking and storytelling. Building on the foundational skills developed in Video Production 1, this course focuses on project-based learning where students will explore theoretical concepts and develop technical skills to create compelling video projects.

Comprising four distinct units, the course focuses on different aspects of video production. In Unit 1, students will explore the power of storytelling and scriptwriting, learning to write engaging narratives with well-crafted scripts. They will analyze narrative structures, character development, and conflict to convey powerful messages through visual storytelling.

The second unit introduces students to intermediate cinematography and lighting techniques. Students will master camera movements, angles, and lighting setups to enhance the visual impact of their videos. They will understand how cinematography choices align with storytelling, reinforcing emotions and themes.

The next unit focuses on sound design and audio recording, exploring the significance of audio in video production. Students will create immersive soundscapes and master audio recording techniques to enhance the auditory experience of their projects.

In the final unit, students will learn advanced editing and post-production techniques, refining their raw footage into polished final films. They will learn video editing software, apply advanced editing techniques, and integrate visual effects to create cohesive and impactful projects.

Throughout the course, formative assessments will encourage student growth, and summative assessments will gauge their proficiency in applying theoretical concepts to practical projects. The course also fosters interdisciplinary connections, linking video production with literature, physics, and cultural studies.

By the end of the course, students will possess a versatile skill set in filmmaking. They will be equipped to craft compelling narratives, capture captivating visuals, create immersive audio experiences, and edit and refine their projects to produce polished and compelling final films. 

Week 1-2: Introduction and Course Setup

Week 3-5: Unit 1 - Storytelling and Scriptwriting

Week 6-8: Unit 2 - Cinematography and Lighting

Week 9-11: Unit 3 - Sound Design and Audio Recording

Week 12-15: Unit 4 - Editing and Post-Production

Week 16-18: Final Project Presentation and Course Wrap-up