Book Your Tickets

1 Why are you on This Journey?

Reflect on your

Write a mission statement: 

"I teach CS because..."

2 Your Traveling Companions

"If I can see it, I can be it."

3 Choose Your landmarks

What's the difference between Digital Literacy and Computer Science?  A metaphor: 

Digital Literacy is like learning how to make a sandwich.

Computer Science is like learning how to bake bread.

4 Layover in AIville

K-2.IC.18 Compare how people lived and worked before and after the adoption of new computing technologies.

3-5.IC.20 Discuss computing technologies that have changed the world, and express how those technologies influence, and are influenced by, cultural practices.

5 Dining Options

CS4NorCal teachers need to fit in 30 hours of CS lessons


Just get as far in as you can. Do the full lesson plans, though! Don't just throw students on to "self-pace!"


K-2: Combination of explainer videos, games, and open-ended Scratch Jr. challenges.

3-5: Scratch-based activities following a set curriculum like CSFirst, CS+Elementary, CSinSF, Scratch Encore, BootUP, or Code For Fun


A sophisticated articulation of project-based learning cycles using a combination of curricular resources, drawing on students' cultural and linguistic assets, culminating in a group project presented to an audience. 🤣

6 Upgrade your seat


Like reading the research? Join the Reading Group on Tuesdays at 5pm or Fridays at 4pm. No experience or preparation necessary. Teachers especially welcome!

7 In-Flight Entertainment

Empower students to use their cultural identities and experiences of technology to make sense of nonfiction texts: Read like a gamer.

Do Your Homework

Keep the learning going with...

CSTA Code 'n Play 

Today 3:30-5pm 

Register Free

Creative Coding Festival

This Saturday 9am-noon

Register Free

Online Scratch Conference

July 21, 6am-1pm

Register Free

Thank you for your feedback!

"Today's big aha moment came when I had to define my North Star in CS. It's easy to forget to continuously ask yourself why and how you teach what you teach. Today's mission statement assignment really made me question my intentions about teaching CS and wrap up those intentions with a big Culturally Relevant CS Pedagogy and the Role of Translanguaging in CS bow, so to speak."

"[I learned] how to apply what we've learned to my own planning, some pedagogy, how to create a video game from a story, and so much more!"

"I learned how to make games based on stories and I added a bunch of amazing resources to my suitcase."

"I learned about how to build a game! I also learned how to crop an image and build an AI system and how to incorporate these things into my teaching. I also worked with my team on actual plans to implement."

"AI can be biased based on the existing data it has, or the person programming it."

"Today I learned a lot more about the CS standards for K-2 and was able to connect them to things already being done in our school."

"I was reminded that it is more than acceptable to focus on just one tool! It is easy to get overwhelmed and dabble in everything and then nothing get accomplished."