Elementary Curriculum

The Sullivan County Virtual Academy is an opportunity for our students to learn and master grade level standards in a remote learning environment. Sullivan County educators will lead your child through the coursework using quality curriculum and instructional resources. Even more importantly, they will lead students with the love, care, and commitment they bring to school every day.


In grades kindergarten through third grade, students will be enrolled in courses in reading and math. Reading courses will include instruction in language comprehension and word recognition. These are the two components of teaching reading that equip students to be strong readers. Math courses will include understanding math concepts, fluency (mastery of math facts), and application. Social studies and science content is interwoven into the reading lessons in grades kindergarten through third grade.

In fourth and fifth grades, students will be enrolled in reading, math, science, and social studies courses. Reading and math courses will require longer blocks of time. In reading courses, students will read more complex text with rich academic science and social studies content and write in response to what they read. Math courses will include teaching math concepts, fluency (mastery of math facts), and application.


The Tennessee Department of Education requires that students 1st through 5th grades spend 6.5 hours of instructional time and kindergarten students are required to spend 4 hours per day. The time requirement includes the time it takes for a teacher to deliver the instruction as well as the time it takes a student to complete the assigned task.


Benchmark assessments, TCAP, and RTI assessments are required of all students.