AP Computer Science A (Java)
The course will cover fundamentals of programming syntax and methodology using the Java programming language. Java is a modern, object-oriented programming language used to create professional software. In addition to gaining fluency in Java, students will develop general computer skills and consider the social and ethical implications of computing. The course will explore systematic problem-solving strategies that can be applied to real world problems. The course will also prepare students for the Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam. After the AP exam, topics related to real world applications will be discussed.
Welcome! We will be working together to learn and practice with the Java language throughout this year. There are homework assignments, in-class labs, and practice websites.
AP Exam: TBA
Textbook and online resources: http://www.skylit.com/javamethods/index.html
For more information, contact Mrs. Fletcher, view the Google Classroom with your child, or log onto eSchool.
Course Outline:
Unit 1 Primitive Types
Unit 2 Objects and Classes
Unit 3 Boolean, if-Statements
Unit 4 Algorithms & Iterations
Unit 5 Writing Classes
Unit 6 Arrays
Unit 7 2D Arrays
Unit 8 ArrayList
Unit 9 Inheritance
Unit 10 Algorithms & Recursion
Unit 11 Searching & Sorting
Unit 12 Post-AP Topics