Class Rules and Procedures

Student Expectations

Students are expected to be in their seat when the tardy bell rings. 

They will have no more than five minutes to complete their assigned bell work.

Students must stay on task during the period.

All assignments are due at the beginning of the next class day unless instructed otherwise.

No cell phones or smart watches will be used in my classroom. Computers are only allowed if the assignment calls for it.

Do your own work and pay attention in class.

Taking someone else's ideas or words is considered plagiarism/cheating. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing you will receive a zero, with no chance to redo, and an office referral.

AI writing generators are considered plagiarism. If caught using them the grade will receive a zero, with no chance to redo, and an office referral. 

Each day an assignment is late is minus 10pts. No assignment will be accepted after day three of being late.

Corrections must be turned in the following day after the graded assignment is returned.

Do not interrupt valuable instruction to ask to go to the bathroom. Please wait for an appropriate time (15 mins after tardy bell) or GO BEFORE CLASS. You have three bathroom passes per semester.

There will be no unkind or disrespectful words, tones, or gestures in my classroom. I have a zero-tolerance policy for disrespect and bullying.

Please leave the room looking nicer when you leave than when you arrive.

Eng II Bass Syllabus .pptx
Eng III Bass Syllabus .pptx
Eng IV Bass Syllabus .pptx