About Mrs. Bass

Welcome to my page! My name is Chrissy Bass. A little about me, I married my high school sweetheart fourteen years ago and God has blessed us with two wonderful children. This will be my sixth year as a teacher and I can't imagine doing anything else, but if it doesn't work out I plan on pursuing my childhood dream of being a Princess.  One of my favorite parts about teaching has always been the UIL events (especially One Act Play) and I'm excited to be in a school which considers it an opportunity. 

This year I will teach English II, English III, English IV, and Dual Credit English.  I understand life can become hectic in a small school and I believe it is important for students to stay on top of their class work so they can be successful in their extra curriculars. If a student misses class they need to reach out to me about their missing work (the sooner, the better). Most importantly, I believe the only way to create a better world is to show others a little bit of kindness and a lot of love.

I look forward to having your child in my classroom!