Health and Safety

(Updated 3.13) SA’s building access guidelines have changed and we have updated this website to reflect those changes. Please continue to check back.

Our school processes are rooted in health and safety best practices. We focus on simplicity, flexibility, and thoughtfully designed systems that place scholar, family, and staff wellbeing at the forefront. Please review key adjustments to our regular school protocols on our respective elementary, middle, and high school pages.

All updated information will be indicated as (Updated)


Getting vaccinated is the single most powerful thing we can do to end this pandemic. While there have been breakthrough cases of people who have been vaccinated becoming infected, these cases have mild to no symptoms. Importantly, unvaccinated children and adults are much more likely to get seriously sick and require hospitalization. This is a critical fact, and the reason we urge vaccinations.

Success Academy requires all staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, including staying up to date with boosters. This is an additional layer of protection for our entire community.

Where to get vaccinated: 

To book an appointment, simply click the links below and follow the directions.

Prevention Practices

In accordance with guidance from the CDC and NYS/NYC health departments, we have implemented the following policies.

Screening: Per DOE policy, scholars and families are no longer required to complete a daily health screener. As always, if your scholar is experiencing any symptoms, please keep them home and consult your healthcare provider. 

Wearing Masks: All Success Academy campuses will be mask-optional, in line with announcements from both Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul. 

Hand Washing: We will establish routines for scholars to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer at regular intervals throughout the day, including before and after recess, meals, transitions, and after using shared materials.

School Operations

(Updated 3.13) We’ve carefully analyzed our classrooms and buildings, as well as the CDC’s and DOH’s recommendations, to make essential adjustments for safety in our schools.

Cleaning: Although the CDC has determined that virus transmission through surfaces is negligible, teachers and our operations staff will sanitize high-touch surfaces throughout the day.

Ventilation: All classrooms have been surveyed and meet Department of Health ventilation requirements. 

Our COVID-19 Response Plan 

(Updated 8.19) A scholar in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case:

A scholar with symptoms of COVID-19:

If your scholar has a fever of 100°F or higher or does not feel well, do not send them to school. You should call your doctor and have your scholar tested for COVID-19. Find a testing site here. 

At-home rapid antigen tests are also now available for free from USPS or for purchase at local pharmacies.

If a scholar shows symptoms during school, they will be isolated and monitored by a staff member until they can be picked up by a family member.

A scholar tests positive for COVID-19:

Positive cases occurring in our schools will not result in closures of sections and/or classes.

If your child has COVID-19 symptoms, you should have them tested immediately. If your scholar has symptoms and tests positive on an at-home test, you don’t need to get another test to confirm the results. But if your scholar has symptoms and tests negative, you should not rule out COVID-19 just yet. In this case, getting a more sensitive PCR test is recommended, or if you can’t get in for a PCR test quickly, the antigen test can be repeated the following day. With symptoms, your scholar should isolate at home.

If a scholar tests positive, we ask that parents contact the Main Office immediately.