NRICH Problem Solving School

We are so excited to announce that St Vincent's has been successful in our application for becoming an NRICH Problem Solving School. NRICH is an innovative collaboration between the Faculties of Mathematics and Education at the University of Cambridge which focuses on problem solving and creating opportunities for students to learn Mathematics through exploration and discussion. 

Being recognised as an NRICH problem-solving school is testament to the importance that we place on thinking hard, challenging ourselves and being resilient in the face of a challenge. As an NRICH school we will have access to new resources and events and will be able to collaborate with other like-minded schools to increase the opportunities on offer for our mathematicians. More news on this will come in January, but in the meantime, as Parents, you can sign up for a free NRICH Newsletter here.

The newsletter will include occasional updates about featured NRICH resources and games to explore with your children, and news about forthcoming maths events for families and the public.